New analytics πŸ“ˆπŸ“Š features!

Johannes Beil
2 min readMar 5, 2019


Amie is being used more and mode for analytics, so we have expanded our analytics features.

Color plots 🎨 . You can now plot against a third parameter. Finding trends and understanding complex data is often fastest with a plot. To give you more opportunities, we have added an optional third dimension to your plots. It is now also easier to find parameter names, just type and it will search and autocomplete.

Filtering by variable and keywords 🧐. Find all data that is connected to the same variable name, and filter it further down by keywords. Often times, you want to find files that connect to a specific leaf or parameter but don't really know where they are upstream. If there is a doubling of filenames and captions, normal search becomes cumbersome. Now you can just search files upstream from a leaf, by clicking on a parameter and narrow down the results with keywords. In the gif, you can see us pulling up all scanning electron micrographs (SEM) related to a specific device.

Plot cross-correlations 🀞. Plotting now walks up the graph and finds parameters that are in parents, children or references, so you can also plot them against each other. The graph is more than just a visualization of your workflow. Parameters are causally connected, so now plotting also allows you to visually explore those correlations.

Hide leaves πŸ‘». That’s not really analytics, but for those of you who’s garden is getting too full, you can just toggle the hiding button and the tree will not be shown anymore.

This is just the first burst of new features we are rolling out this spring, stay tuned! If you haven't yet, sign up on to get the latest updates and start using amie for free!



Johannes Beil
Editor for

Former quantum physicist, now helping research with software at