Ecology in Business Creation: What Trends for 2020?

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3 min readFeb 5, 2020

What are the trends in ecology in business creation? How to integrate ecology into your entrepreneurial project in 2020? AMIGAMAG gives you four main trends to register your company in a future approach.

Ecology becomes an essential parameter for the creation and development of businesses. Beyond collective awareness, companies are taking concrete action by adapting to the scarcity of resources.

Ecology in business creation: key trends

Here are four strong trends in business creation for 2020, related to ecology and sustainable development.

1. Eco-design

Eco-design is a significant challenge for companies looking to reduce their environmental impact. It is also a unique opportunity to stand out from the competition.

The reflection to be conducted around an eco-designed product begins from the research and development phase and continues as well within the practices of the company as of those of its commercial partners.

Management of resources necessary for production and that of the waste generated by the activity are taken into account. The different operating phases are optimized to reduce their environmental impact.

2. Social equity

It is essential to involve the population in the eco-responsibility process. Many stakeholders, public and private, are committed to combining ecology and social equity.

Ecology has gradually become a benchmark in purchasing behavior; the craze for products labeled organic is indicative.

However, part of the population does not have access to organic: modest or precarious households do not wish or can not invest, personally or financially, in a responsible consumerist approach, this for lack of financial security.

Because survival is not conducive to reflection: it indeed engages us in the behavior of urgency and reaction, when, on the contrary, we would need hindsight and patience to question our economic models.

In this context, social equity is a crucial factor in the commitment to the environment. It requires fair remuneration and real consideration for the well-being and respect for the rights of partners, suppliers, and workers, at the local, national, and international levels.

Thus, the production nearby, the short circuit, and fair trade are examples of responses to the challenges of social ecology.

3. Slow marketing

Slow marketing might be the future of marketing. Indeed, the multiplication of communication methods and the increasingly intrusive solicitations of marketers tend to oppress the consumer, who often feels assailed and unable to find an area of ​​freedom and serenity without explicit commercial references.

By basing your corporate communication on the principles of slow marketing, the prospect and the customer feel respected and thus gain in availability to be more receptive to your message.

This trend towards minimalist marketing is perfectly compatible with an ecological approach. By reducing the production of advertising content, by reducing the use of packaging or by formulating more straightforward and more authentic messages, the impact on the resources necessary for these marketing actions is reduced.

4. Vegetable materials

Another growing trend in ecology in business creation concerns innovation around materials of plant origin.

By focusing on products with high added value, aesthetic and ecological, innovative companies in this sector have sparked a real boom around these materials. They are an inexhaustible source of inspiration for fashion and leather goods creators, but also construction and public works companies, interior design professionals, e.g.

The application possibilities seem endless.

In conclusion, the trends in terms of business creation for 2020 are moving towards activities that are both innovative and that take into account the social dimension of wealth creation.



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