Teleworking: How to manage your team?

Published in
3 min readMay 3, 2020

Coronovuris Criss: How to reorganize the work of your employees during the confinement period? Does telework require different management methods? If yes, what are they?

Faced with the constraints imposed by the exceptional situation linked to the coronavirus, we invite you to take stock of your managerial method in the context of remote work.

From the start of the coronavirus epidemic in the World, businesses had to question their management style. Failing to accommodate their employees within their structure, many managers have adapted their organization by turning to telework.

In this context, the objective is to find the means to set up an efficient and favorable teleworking system.

Here are some tips to help you improve your approach to telework.

Reorganize work in the face of the coronavirus crisis: teleworking

It is not easy to reconsider a work organization in a few days, especially when your company has never used the right solutions.

Because teleworking is not only about changing the workplace, it is also about changing the way you apprehend work and the way you supervise it.

In this sense, the coronavirus crisis is an opportunity to change practices and relationships in the World of work. It is also an opportunity to make the business of tomorrow more agile and creative.

To reorganize successfully, it is necessary to make a change, of course, vis-à-vis the traditional model. The place of employees becomes central, management changes its procedures, and digital tools help to link and inform optimally.

Manage your team effectively

The management of the teleworker will be the focus of all attention to support each member of the team to feel confident enough to manage their daily lives remotely.

To succeed in this new challenge, managers will need to ensure:

  • Employee safety: informing about recommendations ( containment, barrier actions) and preventing risks (unnecessary travel, groupings to be avoided, e.g.) will be a priority,
  • The correct implementation of telework: define the profiles of employees able to practice telework and under what conditions, identify additional and complementary tools (videoconferencing, VPN, e.g.), adapt remote management methods, update the internal regulations,
  • Motivation from a distance.

The organization of telework involves providing the material and technical resources that employees will need to perform their tasks, such as:

  • Laptop,
  • Internal network,
  • Telephone and dedicated line,
  • Software and applications.

It will also be necessary to ensure that all employees are sufficiently trained to use the software or applications that allow remote work.

Practices adopted during the crises will also have to be implemented :

  • Take stock of the missions,
  • Analyze and prioritize tasks,
  • Reorganize teams,
  • Reassess everyone’s role,
  • Adapt working hours,
  • Create new missions,
  • Do benchmark,
  • Anticipate future activity,
  • e.g.

Be careful not to make surveillance a priority. Set the rules of the game and share them. Trust your employees and collaborators. Managing by objectives is a great way to allow your teams to experience this period as well as possible while gaining autonomy.

Set up feedback and diversify the missions on offer to maintain the right level of motivation.

Communication is as essential as it can be a tool. A regular update on the activity sector or the health of the company, but also less formal exchanges, will be essential to maintain team spirit and cohesion.

Some of your employees need more relationships? Make sure they can chat when the need arises.

The situation we know is a breeding ground for the development of entrepreneurship and management. Companies that have successfully adapted will grow out of it.



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