Amino Advantage I: Eat, Sleep, Operate, Repeat.

Putting your savings into a term deposit at your local bank for a 3% rate of interest was something that was relevant 10 years ago, and (somewhat) still is today. We consider this somewhat as a baseline for the time value of money — maintaining the value of our hard-earnt cash.

Fast forward to 2017.

With the rapid financial rise of the crypto-market, adopters of crypto-mining such as Ethereum mining amplified their wealth considerably. However, those who started more recently are quite cynical in terms of generating true profits, due to increased competitors, rising maintenance costs, and the volatility of the crypto-market in general.

Source: coindesk. The rise and fall of Ethereum mining.

It is becoming apparent that Ethereum mining is perhaps not the most worthwhile investment in terms of time and resources. Those who are educated on the current marketplace realize that Ethereum is now essentially irrelevant in terms of mining itself.

So, hypothetically speaking, should we all just revert to investing our cash in a traditional term deposit for 3% investment return? After all, it has always been a stable, reliable, headache-free way of getting something for doing nothing.

Fast forward to 2018

It is now possible to operate a powerful PC and get paid while you literally eat and sleep, all while adjusting the 3% figure to a 43% ROI.

How is this possible?

The price of the GPU mining machine that allows for Ethereum mining is still approximately $2000 USD — depending on the specifications. This will also be the machine that is capable of operating the Amino OS (operating system).

While the ROI from Ethereum mining is virtually nil, the income generated from individual transaction volumes of GAS within a single Amino OS equates to a 12-month passive income of $1576.80 USD.

With all due respect to Ethereum’s prowess, capabilities, and ecosystem. Operating an Amino OS essentially renders current Ethereum mining as obsolete.

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When we actively discuss the Amino OS/Operator, we fundamentally refer to the Amino Slave Node. The lowest tier of nodes within the three-tier Amino ecosystem.

Within the realm of our ecosystem, the higher the node tier, the more GAS/income circulation there will be generated. The other two tiers — Super Nodes (highest tier) and Master Nodes (second tier) also hold AMO tokens — for the purpose of governance and voting. 10% of total GAS generated will be rewarded to AMO holders on top of the abundance of token circulation within Super/Master Nodes. ROI and income figures for operating as a Master/Super Node will be significantly higher than that of the Slave Node.

During Q1 of 2020, the Amino full three-layer system testnet will be scheduled to be released. When the three tier nodes are fully applicable, users will be able to positively exploit the revenues generated from all tiers.

Further announcements

Here at Amino, we understand market wants and needs within this competitive scene — both in computing and revenue generation. Our revenue/cost analysis are derived from real-world use and calculations. More information and revenue/cost figures for operating as a Master/Super Node will be released on their respective dates. Watch this space!

For more information about Amino, visit our website and read our whitepaper.

Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter and and join our Telegram channel.

