Amino Events Update Vol. I

As Amino is expanding its global footprint, we have had the privilege to attend several stellar events in the last month or two and had opportunities to connect with our enthusiasts, partners and investors from different corners of the world.

Slush Shanghai (Sept. 7–8, 2018)

Team Amino were present and impactful at Slush Shanghai — China’s largest startup conference co-organized and sponsored by powerhouses such as Samsung, AWS, Google, Microsoft, and PwC — just to name a few. The event brings together over 15,000 attendees, which includes 1,000 startups, 500 investors, as well as 500 domestic and international media representatives.

Amino at Slush Shanghai

Amino had a stand which drew in enthusiasts and investors. Throughout the two-day event, attendees were fascinated by the capabilities of Amino and some of the competitive advantages it held over many other similar schemes. They all left on a high-note from an engaging conversation, newly acquired information, and inquisitive thoughts.

Amino’s investor pitch

Amino was also invited to present at Slush’s Pitch Competition in front of global investors. The captivated faces in the audience meant that captivating questions were asked — congruent with the public curiosity behind the project.

Consensus Singapore (Sept. 19–20, 2018)

Singapore, without a doubt, is the leader in FinTech and the blockchain innovation. It leads a ranking of the top 10 blockchain cities in the world based on overall metrics. The city has shifted into Asia’s hub of blockchain digital assets in recent years and is a podium for blockchain technology to prosper.

Due to Singapore’s reputation, Consensus: Singapore is widely recognized as the most anticipated blockchain event in Asia, and took place on Sep 19 & 20 at the Marina Bay Sands.

Consensus: Singapore

Amino was privileged to be invited and to take positive advantage of this pinnacle event. Amino connected with elite blockchain projects that were gathered together at Consensus. Exchanging information value and creating meaningful connections meant that time spent in Singapore was an overall success.

Shanghai Investor Dinner: hosted by ChainFunder (Oct. 16, 2018)

Amino was invited to an exclusive investor dinner by ChainFunder — a top-tier Chinese venture capital fund focused on financing of ventures and projects related to blockchain technology. Amidst the new personal and professional networks forged, the highlight of the evening included Felix presenting the raw capabilities of Amino which intrigued the guests in attendance as he transcended New Zealand based developments into China’s top investment markets.

EWCC in German Blockchain Week (Oct. 22–23, 2018)

EWCC is part of the German blockchain week and emphasizes the bridging of the Asian and European crypto markets — in which Amino was invited to speak at.

Alvaro — Amino’s Investment and Partnership Manager, was involved in a panel discussion that dissected international investment trends and market opportunities in crypto assets and DLT.

Alvaro on the panel discussion

Shortly afterwards, co-founder Felix had the opportunity to captivated the German as well as international audience’s full engagement as he broke down Amino’s current and future capabilities and use cases of the computing network within the real world.

Felix at EWCC

Future updates

Amino will continue to be actively globetrotting — providing value to world-class technology, blockchain and business events and conferences. Stay tuned for upcoming Amino events and their respective dates.

For more information about Amino, visit our website and read our whitepaper.

Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter and and join our Telegram channel.

