Hello Psychology

Or Why did I throw away 6 years of studying architecture in order to start all over with psychology.

Amir All
Amir All’s Essays


We all know finding one's passion is a catalysor for being happy and successful. But also, we know that many people find it harder than others to find that passion. Many find themselves bored all the time because they don’t find anything interesting enough, and some are ADHD, like me! Basically we find so many thing interesting at once that we end up in a cycle of dropping things in the middle of the path.

Just to complicate this matter, you might even encountered your passion, and it was so simple and basic that it was hidden in plainsight, figure of speaking.

So what made me think that psychology was the one? Well…

I love complications!

Human mind is a complicated system, with dynamic parts that each effect the other and we almost alway, only see the outcome. And we have only that to figure out what we have underneath. I’ve got to say, I find the challenge, sexy!

I love humans!

I always had a lust for humans and though I sympathize with other animals as well, I have a huge empathy for other. Okay I know, I know psychologist should not do a lot of empathy with their patients in the common way, but if you learn how and where appropriate, It can be a great head start to do it right!

I love studying humans!

Have you ever wondered the majesty of human complexity? How about the cause-effect relations of humans? Oh oh, and don’t miss the chaos principles of human brain. I love the relationship between personality and environmental effects. And how mind blowing/opening is rare brain conditions! I love it! I love studying brain more than a kid wants to own a candy shop.

I love helping people! (Obviously.)

Okay this may seem like an obvious claim. We all like helping others. But I rather enjoy it in a different manner. I beg for situations where I can be of help. I’m an environmentalist and a founder of an NGO. I find peace in helping my friends through hard times. And I enjoy being part of a helping system altogether. And if I can do it for 14 hours a day, well… That’s a happy-living.

I’ve got the first hand taste of it! (and also second and third hands as well)

Susan Cain. Her book, Quiet, Was the first book I’ve read in English. More than that, Quiet was the first book I’ve finished completely after several years!

First, I was a patient. My parents took me to psychologist to find out why with 134 IQ point, I was failing school. Though my psychiatrist didn’t diagnosed ADHD at first, But he let me wonder about how his job is done.

I attended many therapy sessions since for various reasons and changed many therapists since. But it was always a class for me. Even when I was deep in a clinical depression (and just to make it more dramatic, suicidal) I attended sessions with a sense of curiosity.

Steve Joordens, has a very loveable personality, His course was the first online course, ever, that I finished!

I’ve read many psychological books, from semi-pop ones like Quiet by susan cain, to textbooks such as Plotnik’s Introduction to psychology. Also I took many online courses about psychology, such as Steve Joordens intro to psychology. More academic it gets, More fun it is for me!

So All these, made me so sure about my decision that I am moving to another city and throwing away 6 years of architecture, to start over with this passion in life.

Do you think I’m doing a wise thing? Would you do it yourself? Let me know :)

