The case for life of uncertainty.

Amir All
Amir All’s Essays
3 min readFeb 11, 2016

Hello. I’m Amir and I’m addicted to seekness.

This dude is Voltaire. Painted by Charles Bradlaugh

Did your grandmother used to say life without afterlife is meaningless? Do you think being just a physical body is a bummer? Do you think not being sure of everything is stressful?

I’m here to say you are wrong! If you are not used to the idea (or your religion teacher -which I had thank you very much- did tell you otherwise) it does not mean it is a bad thing. Being physical and present and uncertainty are really, really fun and beautiful.

Since I’ve met science (the process not the science book), I’ve had a blast of having the most dynamic life and mind ever. It’s not sure of anything, and it enjoys it. But why you ask? Here I’m going to tell you a few reasons why you should chose to become addicted to seekness (AKA, uncertainty) as well.

You are a fluid!

Imagine a metal girder. Now think of it as all your certain beliefs. It is solid. You can make use it to kick some ones ass if you want to (and you are very strong). But if the truth is not shaped like girder, rather like a bowl, can you fit your mind in it? You may have to use some very strong tool tools, hammers and other thing to fit your beliefs into the bowl of truth.

Now let’s say that your mind is not solid. Rather it’s fluid.

You are at ease!

How much effort does it take to fit into the bowl of truth? You don’t have to hit it so hard. do you? You just have to be the awesome fluid that shapes like the truth, which ever shape it takes.

You are bulletproof!

What would happen to a hard metal if you shoot with a bullet at it? Well, it may scratch, or get a bump and it also hurts. If someone challenges your ideas (by trolling or an honest attempt to try to bring you down from your high horse) you would carry the effect for ever with you. But if you are a fluid, the effect would be momentarily.

You are adaptive!

How long would it take to change the shape of a metal girder? If the truth changes quickly (for example the planet is warming or round) it would take a lot of time and effort to change your own mind. But if you are fluid, you instantly become the same with the truth. You won’t be late to the party (of extinct animals).

You are the ocean!

But the bowl is just a part of the truth. You are only able to shape yourself with just a part of the world, but only if you are a solid. If you put a solid metal girder in the world, it only (hopefully) knows its only part. It can’t expand and it can’t connect with other solids. But if you are a fluid, you can just throw yourself in the collective ocean of knowledge of all animals and become the same with it in no time! And if you do that, you are the ocean! Isn’t that just awesome? That’s the power of compatibility. :)

CC A by SweetButtermilk

Now philosophize this, If the solid represents fanatic beliefs and the liquid represents scientific process, what would Gas state be? (A hint: it has something to do with making something regardless of truth.)

P.S. Philosophize This is an awesome podcast about thinking! I strongly suggest it.

