MedicalVeda Blockchain solution can Protect the World from the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

How the MedicalVeda Blockchain solution can Protect the World from the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Amir Hossein Neghabian


The impact brought by the COVID-19 outbreak influenced both an individual level and community level transformation. This global diversity wasn’t confined to a single department. The pandemic left the world under the weight of its own outdated technology, which was a complete deterioration in protecting the world from the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Global powers such as the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Russia, and China had to undergo a fortuitous loss of lives. A major reason for this was the failure of their existing healthcare systems in controlling the pandemic. The healthcare system was among the first in rank to be afflicted drastically. The coronavirus, without a doubt, left the world under the weight of a series of challenges which can be slashed as follows:

- The strength of the world’s healthcare system for responding to any pandemic outbreak.

- Tracking infectious patients among the populous for scrutinizing the spread of an epidemic.

- A prompt system in providing impressive diagnostics and enhanced vaccines.

- Control on Information and conspiracy theories.

- Appropriate measures to be undertaken within a crisis.

Blockchain technology has been among the forthcoming technologies leading the world into a new dimension of scientific amelioration. Theorists have believed blockchain to be an establishment for an expeditious and dynamic healthcare system. Blockchain theoretically, is a tamper-proof public ledger that influences higher degrees of accuracy and veracity. There are a lot of aspects where blockchain is believed to influence the system for good. A clear distinction among these aspects shall be presented in detail with and without the adoption of blockchain technology.

Investment in Research

The COVID-19 outbreak was much more than an eye-opener for the world and governments. Where many major stakeholders failed to process the conditions, they should definitely direct themselves towards the opportunities presented by Blockchain technology. It should be initiated with the adoption of immediate healthcare taskforces for the baptism and implementation of blockchain applications. Following this assortment, it should then allow them to invest in the system to a better extent. It should be coherent to the authorities that investing within the system is not a single action but is a response to a series of actions that would eventually lead the world towards an extensive plan for handling such outbreaks in the future. The investment should also be directed towards partnering with other medical professional associations for implementing these blockchain procedures. An example that is being achieved through the implementation of a blockchain procedure is of the Data Marketplace designed by MedicalVeda which helps patients authorize their personal data to the forum and have it sold to different research institutions and facilities. It benefits both parties involved, where the patient get the fair share of their shared information whereas the research organization can gather up data without bothering.

Latest Technology Adoption

It is evident that the existing public health data surveillance systems are outdated in every facet. The system of surveillance adopted during COVID-19 helped officials discover major loopholes in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Blockchain, on the other hand, is considered as a remedy to such conditions where it’s expeditious tracking of data would help system apprehend and process data promptly, helping the development of treatments and the symptomatic patterns which would save the world from the radial increase of any disease to heights of an epidemic or a pandemic.

Better Records Management

Supply chain and record management have been a success story for Blockchain in other industries leading us to the analogy of its adoption as a supply chain and record manager for healthcare systems. For improved tracking and tracing of the medical supply chain, blockchain should definitely be considered as it would help parties to keep track of all major supplies and logistics. With blockchain, the process would already be public, influencing the multiple parties involved in the process to keep track of the supplies to a better extent. As a result, this application shall help medical supply chains to reach the doctors and patients on time, with quality assurance.

Patients’ Trust Through Records’ Safety

Considering the existing healthcare systems, another affair prevented a contemptuous control of the pandemic, leading the systems to utter failure. A patient’s trust is as important as carrying out the treatment. With a lack of trust existing over the current system, many people prevented approaching the hospitals on time. This clearly explains the reason for the hike in daily cases. However, with tamper-proof systems, health records can be kept safer. A protected system will surely increase the trust of patients over their healthcare institutions. Such an example can be observed from the blockchain system developed by MedicalVeda which includes a ‘Health Portal’ specifically designed to connect the patient and the concerned doctor or institution. While keeping the sensitive data intact in the blockchain, it iron outs the unnecessary obstacles concerning the patient.

Timely Reporting

While understanding the importance of privacy protection, the system calls for a considerate balance among the data gathering process and its protection. Blockchain has been considered an optimal solution in gathering and collecting data through efficient methodologies. It can be extended in gathering impressive reports over a patient’s movement, social distancing, and identity protection. This prompt reporting can help healthcare extend their nexus in identifying the regions affected through the pandemic, followed by brisk measures to gain control over it.

Rules and Regulations

Apart from implementing the Blockchain system within the healthcare institutions, there are far diverse problems existing within the complete structure that require amendments. Considering the legislative systems of Third World countries, implementing blockchain might not solve problems entirely. Thus, the global healthcare authorities need to influence governments in focusing their improvements on not only the mechanisms but the foundations too. An improved regulatory authority in supporting outstanding practices and standards under a set of laws will surely guide the system in controlling pandemics such as COVID-19 conspicuously.

Decentralized Records

As we are aware of blockchain as a promoter of distributed ledger technology, the world should set its focus on sponsoring projects that are based on this technology. Many different programs have already been set in construction that would aid the world in identifying the virus along with the prospected carriers and hotspots. This might not bring a halt over the epidemic but would surely guide governments the methods that are to be undertaken for containing the virus.


It is evident to us that adopting blockchain won’t prevent viruses from emerging in the system. However, it would develop such a line of defence in an instant through a series of different connections that would help institutions be updated over its outbreak. Considering the example of MedicalVeda and the ecosystem they have developed, it not only serves the medical industry with robust technologies developed with blockchain, but it also utilizes other enhanced versions such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Big Data etc. It would then be followed by such measures that would confine it to its hotspot, preventing it from gaining influence and capacity.



Amir Hossein Neghabian

Founder & Serial Entrepreneur| Blockchain Expert| Growth Hacker| Start-up Specialist