Medical Veda Provides Feasibility for Patient-driven Interoperability in the Canadian Healthcare Industry

Amir Hossein Neghabian


It is quite unfortunate that the Canadian healthcare niche is so centralized and rather outdated that firstly, it does not offer the required level of interoperability. Secondly, the patients are least considered while digitizing PHRs. In traditional systems, doctors, pharmacies and research organizations are supposed to maintain data on their own. Since all of them develop systems on different data structures, it’s almost impossible to share data through the system seamlessly.

How Does Medical Veda Offer a Perfect Feasibility?

Medical Veda does not only allow interoperability among all the stakeholders in the industry, but it makes patients the core focus of the entire feasibility.

We call it ‘patient-driven’ because ultimately, it’s your data that moves from one place to another seamlessly, instead of asking you to visit healthcare offices and present them your files.

Moreover, since a mutually acceptable system connects all of the stakeholders, the productivity of end-users is also increased as this interoperable system ensures that no time is wasted in collecting data manually from the patients. It is also worth noticing that in fragmented systems, some databases have decent security measures, while others are prone to hacks. This is where Medical Veda’s blockchain solution guarantees that the security level of the entire healthcare system is the same across Canada, and patients can also enjoy peace of mind because of this, as many people do not want to share their private data on centralized systems.

Furthermore, we have also observed that PHRs carry an immense amount of data, but since they are stored in centralized and customized solutions, it is impossible to reach an efficient collaborative system. So, with Medical Veda, all doctors and authorized research organizations can fetch the patient’s data from a decentralized (but synchronized) ledger.

It is also worth noticing that in a digital environment, everything happens automatically without taking many inputs from humans. Thus, it reduces the probability of human error where patients have to take their files from one office to another to claim insurance or visit a doctor. We know Canada is already digitalized in this sector, but what good is a centralized technology these days?

If we view this entire scenario from the aspect of drug fraud, Medical Veda’s solution is far better than anything else practised in Canada as we allow tracking of each and every drug. So basically, when the manufacturers produce an item, they just enter the data on the blockchain and it’s stored in a noneditable ledger. Since the system is decentralized and favours interoperability, this information can be seen by anyone at any stage, hence saving the patients from consuming counterfeit drugs.



Amir Hossein Neghabian

Founder & Serial Entrepreneur| Blockchain Expert| Growth Hacker| Start-up Specialist