MedicalVeda Defi pioneers of leveraging blockchain and Defi in the healthcare industry

MedicalVeda Defi pioneers of leveraging blockchain and Defi in the healthcare industry, MedicalVeda去中心化金融是医疗行业利用区块链和去中心化金融的先驱

Amir Hossein Neghabian


Health is vital for anyone irrespective of their origin, race, ethnicity, nationality or financial status. While for some it is affordable, not everyone has the budget to easily afford medical care, especially in emergencies or length medical procedures. When a person lacks the money, and the medical procedure is vital for existence, almost everyone thinks about spending the capital they possess in the form of assets such as gold, bonds or property. Similarly, It is well known that the cash flow of healthcare practices, whether it be medical, dental or veterinarian, is unpredictable and can be inconsistent. Submission of payment, in majority cases by insurance companies, may take weeks or even months, which is beyond the control of the medical practitioner or respective organization, which ultimately may result in adversely affecting their efficiency.


In such circumstances, while a person may have been able to liquidate their savings for the required medical procedure or a practitioner needs it for their required obligations, the process of liquidation is often slow for emergency. Besides, a person also misses out on the opportunity of getting growth while also losing the periodic returns from the underlying asset.


Medfi Veda, Veda P2P Platform resolves such pain points in health-care by introducing a crypto-based P2P lending platform. It ensures that for emergency situations, individual patients can simply apply for loans in a peer to peer way, simply by keeping their cryptocurrency holdings as collateral and use the liquid capital in turn for the required medical procedure. Similarly, for instances for medical practitioners, where receivables are far off into the future, a practice can acquire credit from lenders at simple interest rates and can pay back at agreed terms and conditions.

Medfi Veda,Veda P2P平台通过引入一个基于加密的P2P借贷平台,解决了医疗保健中的这些痛点。它确保了在紧急情况下,单个患者可以简单地以点对点的方式申请贷款,只需将其持有的加密货币作为抵押品,并将流动资金用于所需的医疗程序。类似地,对于执业医师来说,当应收账款远未到期时,执业机构可以从放款人那里以较低的利率获得信贷,并可以按照商定的条款和条件偿还。


Traditionally, financial institutions like banks serve as an intermediary to disburse and avail loans. While this process is secured, there is the issue of third-party limitation and have increased costs due to third party commission and fee. Peer-to-peer lending, on the other, is the practice of directly borrowing and lending loans. The issue with such transactions is that there is no enforcer or mediating party, in case of borrowers getting defaulted.



MedFi Veda P2P Lending: How it works?

The MedFi Veda P2P lending platform presents decentralized peer to peer lending platform powered by blockchain and smart contracts. It offers an easy to use interface whereby anyone (a borrower) can apply for a loan. A lender approves a certain limit (against the crypto as collateral) and allows the borrower to withdraw as and when the requirement comes up. It is here to be noted that the collateral is secured within a smart contract, with the terms and conditions of payback and interest rates, and is released upon maturity of the contract (given that conditions of the contract are fulfilled). An important aspect of a smart contract is its decentralized nature, and self-execution, as no one can manipulate the terms and conditions once it has been set. This way, the patients can carry out their medical procedures while medical practitioners can not only stay afloat but also ensure that the amount lost on interest is minimal.

MedFi Veda P2P借贷:如何运作?

MedFi Veda P2P借贷平台提供了由区块链和智能合约支持的分散式点对点借贷平台。它提供了一个易于使用的界面,任何人(借款人)都可以申请贷款。贷款人批准一定的限额(针对加密作为抵押品),并允许借款人在要求出现时退出。这里需要注意的是,担保品在智能合约中有担保,有偿还和利率的条款和条件,并在合同到期时释放(假设合同条件得到满足)。智能合约的一个重要方面是它的分散性和自我执行性的本质,因为一旦设置了条款和条件,任何人都无法操纵。这样,病人可以执行他们的医疗程序,而执业医师不仅可以顺利运营,而且可以确保利息损失的金额最小。

How does MedFi Veda P2P Lending Standout from the rest?

MedFi Veda P2P secures collateral by keeping it in a smart contract, which are immutable and self-enforceable contracts deployed on the blockchain. MedFi Veda uses smart contracts that are deployed on blockchain and are responsible for handling defaulters or applying penalties (such as late fees, and higher interest rate) and notifying verification providers about it. The Smart Contracts would also have the feature to automatically send a notice to the borrower when the payment time is near and process funds from their wallet through the platform. If payment is late, interest charges increase and get automatically applied to subsequent payments.

MedFi Veda P2P借贷如何脱颖而出?

MedFi Veda P2P通过将抵押品保存在智能合约中来确保抵押品的安全,智能合约是部署在区块链上的不可变且可自我执行的合约。MedFi Veda使用智能合约,这些合约部署在区块链上,负责处理违约者或实施处罚(如滞纳金和更高利率),并通知验证提供者。智能合约还将具有在支付时间临近时自动向借款人发送通知的功能,并通过该平台处理其钱包中的资金。如果逾期付款,利息费用会增加,并自动应用于后续付款。

Medfi Veda based decentralized P2P lending ensures that interest rates and repayment terms are flexible while ensuring there is minimal transactional costs and no intermediary costs. This way, through disintermediation, lending via Veda platform has lower interest rates than what banks and financial institutions charge. Moreover, it also works on a global level, not like traditional lending platforms which are restricted to a specific geographical area. In addition, it executes fast credit checks and KYC/AML ( Know Your Customer and Anti Money Laundering) protocols, with a more holistic view by looking into required collateral in cryptocurrency. Another standout feature of Veda platform is that it provides easy accessibility i.e. lending capital at anywhere, any time.




  • Peer to peer


  • Universal Operations


  • Lower Interest rates for borrowers


  • Supported on multi-devices


  • Secured by smart contracts


  • Supports crypto as collateral


  • Multiple offerings: Both for individuals and organizations


  • Instant withdrawals enabled to tackle liquidity


CEO: Amir H Neghabian

Toronto, Canada

首席执行官:Amir H Neghabian



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Amir Hossein Neghabian

Founder & Serial Entrepreneur| Blockchain Expert| Growth Hacker| Start-up Specialist