Should Healthcare Be Federal or Provincial Responsibility? Medical Veda Ends the Debate?

Should Healthcare Be Federal or Provincial Responsibility? Medical Veda Ends the Debate?

Amir Hossein Neghabian


Well, just to set the perspective here, it is worth noticing that in Canada, the federal government is responsible for crafting the guidelines or rather the framework for overall healthcare. However, as far as the ‘real’ implementation is concerned, provincial governments are responsible for that. Thus, authorizing every province to coin out its customized healthcare policy while staying within the specified framework. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to understand that some provinces have better healthcare services than the rest.

In the past, people have had their reservations for this system and they often complain that due to current infrastructure, the delays are significant and many people are not only deprived of the necessary treatment, but some people even die because of this lag.

How Does Medical Veda Offer a Solution in This Regard?

The very first thing that we address in this respect is to unify the entire healthcare industry. Before getting into the specifics, it is worth noticing that at a broader level, we provide a solution where all stakeholders in the industry (e.g. patients, doctors, pharmacies, research organizations, etc.) can interact and perform their duties without any jurisdictional limitations.

To put simply, all healthcare services in Canada can be provided and monitored with the help of Medical Veda, thus allowing the industry to reach uniformity and offer state-of-the-art Medicare facilities to patients, instead of debating whether it happens to be the responsibility of federal or provincial government.

It should also be noted that in some cases, patients are required to travel to different places in Canada for getting their diagnosis and treatment done. In such a scenario, it may get difficult for them to retrieve the records later on. However, with the help of Medical Veda’s interoperable solution, every report and treatment underwent by a patient will be available regardless of where it was performed, thus removing the geographical barriers across the country.

It is also worth mentioning that different provinces have varying SOPs when it comes to the provision of initial diagnosis, which happens to be a very crucial element in saving lives. Therefore, Medical Veda ensures that regardless of your location, an online diagnostic tool is available at all times for every Canadian national. Since it is powered by AI bots, you just have to enter your symptoms, and the system will determine the type of diseases you may have. It may seem insignificant and ordinary for now. Still, in real life, it can prepare the patients mentally as to what treatment they may have to begin or the type of doctor they would have to visit in order to initiate a detailed diagnosis followed by a potential treatment as well.

One of the best perks is that this system will have some of the best consultants onboard. Thus, facilitating you to avail ‘premium’ advice from a consultant of your preference, living anywhere in Canada.



Amir Hossein Neghabian

Founder & Serial Entrepreneur| Blockchain Expert| Growth Hacker| Start-up Specialist