Amity Haven: An Introduction

Amity Haven
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2024
Amity Haven: An Introduction

Welcome to a realm where consciousness transcends boundaries and the spirit of unity prevails — welcome to Amity Haven. As you peruse the titles on our front page, a theme emerges, a thread that weaves through the tapestry of diverse articles: Non-Duality, the profound understanding that all of life is interconnected.

In every corner of our planet, there exist individuals who embody this ethos. They are the embodiment of a worldview that sees all life as kin, every stranger as a member of an extended family. Their lives are marked by simplicity, a dearth of material cravings, and an absence of the pursuit of fame or wealth. For them, life unfolds with ease, but this serenity is often born from trials — many have navigated through their own “Dark Night of the Soul,” emerging into the light with a renewed sense of existence.

People who live from a place of non-duality are often drawn to each other. When they get together, a collective coherence begins to emerge. This coherence can be seen in the way they interact with each other, the way they solve problems, and the way they create.

These people are ready for a new kind of society, governed not so much by laws and decrees, but by an innate code of grace and joy which they carry effortlessly into any environment. They thrive in diverse societies, even within the structures of organized religion, gleaning messages of peace and kindness from scriptures that others might interpret through lenses of division or dogma.

When these individuals come together, something extraordinary happens. A collective coherence arises, and with it, the world begins to shift in miraculous ways. This phenomenon is not merely anecdotal; it is documented and explored in the Global Coherence section of our site.

As we witness the possible waning of the nation-state — a model that has been the default model of government for centuries — a new vision for society beckons. Amity Haven aspires not just to envision but to manifest a new way of living together: non-territorial, organic communities that are self-organizing, spontaneous, and marked by dignity and kindness.

The groundwork for this transition has been graciously laid by the very structures that are now in peril. Since the mid-20th century, the stage has been set for smaller, non-territorial nations to arise without hindrance, thanks to the precedents set by existing governance models.

Our mission is to guide those who live by non-dualist principles toward creating new societies. Through a step-by-step guide, we aim to foster this transformation with minimal disruption to the old order. We believe in evolution rather than upheaval, in planting seeds of harmony that will grow to replace outdated systems with a world that reflects our deepest values.

Join us at Amity Haven, where we chart a course through the uncharted waters of societal change with wisdom, care, and the silent power of a shared vision for humanity’s future. We invite you to join us in creating a new world, a world based on love, compassion, and understanding.



Amity Haven

Introspection, Global Coherence, Humanitarian / Disability Aid, Ocean Clean-Up / Reforestation Charities, International Law and Privacy Coins.