Unveiling Non-Duality: Chapter #2 Idealism

Amity Haven
Published in
5 min readFeb 5, 2024
Non-Duality Chapter #2: Idealism

Modern-Day Idealism: A Re-emergence of Consciousness-Centric Philosophy

Idealism, the philosophical stance that consciousness or mind is the fundamental reality from which everything else derives, has seen a resurgence in contemporary thought. This revival is driven by a confluence of philosophical argumentation, scientific inquiry, and experiential insights. At the forefront of this movement are several key thinkers who argue that understanding consciousness is key to unraveling the mysteries of the universe.

Idealism is a philosophical tradition that argues that reality is fundamentally mental or idealist. This means that the objects of our experience, including the physical world, are not ultimately real, but are instead mental constructs or ideas in the mind.

Modern idealism is a revival of this ancient tradition that has been gaining popularity in recent years. Some of the most prominent proponents of modern idealism include Dr. Donald Hoffman, Dr. Bernardo Kastrup, and Dr. Ian McGilchrist.

The work of these and other modern idealists is challenging and often controversial, but it is also thought-provoking and offers a new perspective on the nature of reality.

Dr. Donald Hoffman: Reality is a User Interface

Dr. Hoffman is a cognitive scientist and philosopher at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He is the author of the book “The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Us About Our Place in the Universe”.

Cognitive psychologist Dr. Donald Hoffman has proposed a radical theory that what we perceive as reality is akin to a desktop interface on a computer. His “Interface Theory of Perception” suggests that space and time, along with the objects we perceive around us, do not depict the true nature of reality but are rather a species-specific user interface that guides our actions. Hoffman’s work challenges the materialist framework and suggests that the objective world is grounded in consciousness.

In his book, Dr. Hoffman argues that the physical world is an illusion created by our brains. He believes that the purpose of our brains is to create a model of the world that is useful for survival, but that this model is not accurate or true.

Dr. Hoffman argues that the physical world is not fundamental, but is instead an emergent property of the mind. He believes that the laws of physics and the constants of nature are not fundamental, but are instead programmed into the simulation.

Dr. Hoffman’s work has been influential in the field of philosophy, and his book has been praised by many prominent thinkers. However, his work has also been criticized by some scientists and philosophers.

Dr. Bernardo Kastrup: The Metaphysical Philosopher

Dr. Bernardo Kastrup has become a significant figure in modern philosophical circles with his articulate defense of metaphysical idealism. He posits that physical reality is essentially a manifestation of a single universal consciousness. Kastrup’s work is well-documented in his books and numerous articles where he explores the implications of idealism for understanding the nature of reality.

Dr. Kastrup is a physicist and philosopher who is the author of the book “Reality is Not What It Seems: The Journey to Quantum Consciousness”.

In his book, Dr. Kastrup argues that the universe is a simulation created by a higher intelligence. He believes that the laws of physics and the constants of nature are not fundamental, but are instead programmed into the simulation.

Dr. Kastrup argues that the universe is not a physical reality, but is instead a mental construct. He believes that the only thing that exists is consciousness, and that the physical world is an illusion created by consciousness.

Dr. Kastrup’s work has been influential in the field of philosophy, and his book has been praised by many prominent thinkers. However, his work has also been criticized by some scientists and philosophers.

Dr. Ian McGilchrist: The Divided Brain and the Search for Meaning

Psychiatrist and writer Dr. Ian McGilchrist has contributed significantly to modern discussions on consciousness through his research on the divided brain. His book “The Master and His Emissary” delves into the profound differences between the left and right hemispheres of the brain and their impact on perception, culture, and society. McGilchrist’s work extends beyond neuroscience, touching on philosophy and how our cerebral structure influences our reality.

Dr. McGilchrist is a psychiatrist and neuroscientist who is the author of the book “The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World”.

In his book, Dr. McGilchrist argues that the left and right hemispheres of the brain have different ways of perceiving the world. He believes that the left hemisphere is responsible for our rational and analytical thinking, while the right hemisphere is responsible for our intuitive and holistic thinking.

Dr. McGilchrist argues that the left hemisphere has become dominant in Western culture, and that this has led to a number of problems, including the fragmentation of our experience of the world. He believes that we need to re-balance the left and right hemispheres in order to achieve a more holistic and integrated view of the world.

Dr. McGilchrist’s work has been influential in the field of psychology, and his book has been praised by many prominent thinkers. However, his work has also been criticized by some scientists and philosophers.

Essentia Foundation

Join the intellectual odyssey at the Essentia Foundation, where esteemed thinkers like Dr. Donald Hoffman, Dr. Bernardo Kastrup, and Dr. Ian McGilchrist unite to explore the depths of human consciousness. These vanguards of modern Idealism contribute their diverse expertise to unravel the enigma of the mind, offering rich insights into the nature of reality. Their collective work underpins the foundation’s mission to reframe our understanding of existence through the lens of consciousness-centric philosophy. Engage with their transformative ideas and join the conversation at the Essentia Foundation: www.essentiafoundation.org


  • Hoffman, D. D. (2019). The case against reality: Why evolution hid the truth from us about our place in the universe. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
  • Kastrup, B. (2018). Reality is not what it seems: The journey to quantum consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • McGilchrist, I. (2009). The master and his emissary: The divided brain and the making of the Western world. New Haven: Yale University Press.

These thinkers argue idealism grounded in consciousness rather than matter underlies reality in ways modern science is beginning to reveal. Their interdisciplinary approaches are bringing idealism back into mainstream discussion as a compelling possibility.


Modern-day Idealism, championed by thinkers like Hoffman, Kastrup, and McGilchrist, invites us to reconsider our assumptions about reality. It challenges the reductionist material paradigm, suggesting instead that consciousness is not a mere epiphenomenon but the very ground of being. Through their scholarly and accessible contributions, these thinkers are not only reshaping philosophy but also influencing cognitive science, psychology, and the broader quest to understand human existence.

Idealism, the philosophical stance that consciousness or mind is the fundamental reality from which everything else derives, has seen a resurgence in contemporary thought. This revival is driven by a confluence of philosophical argumentation, scientific inquiry, and experiential insights. At the forefront of this movement are several key thinkers who argue that understanding consciousness is key to unraveling the mysteries of the universe.



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