The Birth of a Non-Territorial Nation Chapter 13:

Amity Haven
Published in
9 min readFeb 14, 2024
The Birth of a Non-Territorial Nation Chapter 13

The adversarial court system:

A battleground of wits and wills, where the scales of justice tip and totter in a dramatic dance of defense and prosecution. Picture this: it’s a stage tailor-made for the citizenry, where every John, Jane, and their attorney joust with jurisprudence, armed with nothing but the sharp sword of statutes and the shield of precedents.

But lo! Enter the enlightened few, the introspective warriors who’ve transcended the mere mortal squabbles of right and wrong. They’ve gazed into the abyss of the self, wrestled with the shadows of subjectivity, and emerged not just unscathed but unfazed by the dualistic duels of the courtroom.

These sage souls, having sipped from the chalice of non-duality, don’t just walk the earth — they glide upon it with the grace of those who have unlocked life’s admin privileges. They’ve taken personal responsibility to such dizzying heights that they make Sisyphus’s uphill struggle look like a leisurely stroll in the park.

They’re not just upgrading their own firmware; they’re debugging the societal mainframe, one act of global coherence at a time. And in doing so, they’re leveling up, from mere citizens to sovereigns of their inner kingdoms, where court is always in session but the verdict is perpetually ‘at peace with all’.

So, when these evolved entities do grace the court with their presence, it’s not to contest petty grievances; it’s to remind us that true justice isn’t about winning or losing. It’s about recognizing that at a higher plane of existence, we’re all playing on the same cosmic team, and the only opponent is the illusion that we were ever separate to begin with.

Thus, they stand before the bench not to plead their case but to elevate the discourse, from legal briefs to spiritual beliefs, leaving the courtroom not with a judgment, but with a gentle nudge toward enlightenment.


“I’m diving into an exciting exploration of the ‘Territorial Nation Model’ through my series on ‘The Birth of a New Nation.’ And let me be clear — I’m not throwing shade at the adversarial court system of the United States or any other similar court system. What I am thrilled to highlight is that these systems of justice are in perfect alignment with their citizens, that the courts and their citizens are in perfect mutual congruity, but there may be individuals within these borders with a different identity. This is why I’m passionately advocating for potentially groundbreaking concepts: the formation of entirely new nations that better reflect the diverse tapestry of identities. It’s not just about critique; it’s about transformation and the thrilling possibility of redefining nationhood to embrace a new paradigm!”

Potential conflicts of interest in adversarial systems of justice:

  1. **Adversarial bias:** The adversarial system is designed to be a contest between two parties, with each side trying to win at the expense of the other. This can lead to a situation where the parties are more interested in winning than in finding the truth. The result is always Win/Lose and never Win/Win.
  2. **Cost:** The adversarial system can be very expensive, both for the parties involved and for the government. This can make it difficult for people to access justice, especially if they are poor or disadvantaged.
  3. **Delay:** The adversarial system can be very slow, with cases often taking years to resolve. This can be frustrating for the parties involved and can make it difficult to get justice.
  4. **Complexity:** The adversarial system is complex and technical, which can make it difficult for laypeople to understand. This can lead to a situation where people are not able to participate in the legal process effectively.
  5. **Unfairness:** The adversarial system can be unfair, especially to people who are poor or disadvantaged. This is because the system is designed to favor those who have the resources to hire lawyers and experts.
  6. **Conflicts of interest:** The adversarial system can create conflicts of interest for lawyers, judges, and other participants in the legal system, because they may have competing loyalties to their clients, the court, and the legal system itself.
  7. **Conflict of Interest**: When the state is a party in a legal case, there can be a perceived or actual conflict of interest, as the state is responsible for appointing judges and typically funds the prosecution as well as the court system itself. This can lead to a perception that the state-affiliated parties (such as prosecutors) have an advantage over a citizen defendant, especially in terms of resources and influence.
  8. **Resource Disparity**: The state often has significantly more resources than an individual citizen. This includes access to forensic services, expert witnesses, and investigative tools. A private citizen may have limited financial means to match the state’s ability to mount a comprehensive case, which can lead to an imbalance in the presentation of evidence.
  9. **Public Defender System Limitations**: In many jurisdictions, citizens who cannot afford an attorney are provided with a public defender. However, public defenders are often overworked and underfunded compared to their counterparts in the prosecutor’s office, which can impact the quality of defense some citizens receive.
  10. **Prosecutorial Discretion**: Prosecutors have significant power in deciding whether to bring charges, what charges to bring, and whether to offer plea bargains. This discretion can sometimes lead to inconsistent application of justice, where similar cases may receive different charges or sentences based on factors other than the legal merits of the case.
  11. **Plea Bargaining**: The system’s reliance on plea bargains can be problematic. Some argue that it pressures defendants to waive their right to a trial for fear of receiving a harsher sentence if found guilty. This can result in innocent people pleading guilty to crimes they did not commit to avoid the risk of a more severe penalty.
  12. **Bias and Prejudice**: Implicit bias can affect all participants in the court system, including judges, jurors, prosecutors, and defense attorneys. This can result in unfair treatment of defendants based on race, socioeconomic status, gender, or other characteristics rather than the facts of the case.
  13. **Access to Quality Representation**: The quality of legal representation can vary greatly and is often correlated with a defendant’s financial resources. Wealthier defendants can typically afford more experienced attorneys or teams of lawyers, potentially leading to inequities in how justice is administered.
  14. **Public Perception and Media Influence**: High-profile cases can be influenced by media coverage, which may affect public perception and potentially the impartiality of jurors. This can create an environment where decisions are made based on public opinion rather than legal standards.
  15. **Adherence to Procedure Over Substance**: The adversarial system focuses heavily on legal procedures and technicalities, which can sometimes result in substantive justice being overlooked. For example, cases may be dismissed due to procedural errors rather than being decided on the merits.
  16. **Judicial Errors**: Judges are human and can make mistakes. They may misinterpret laws, overlook evidence, or give improper instructions to a jury. Such errors can result in wrongful convictions or acquittals.
  17. **Appeal Limitations**: The appeals process is designed to catch and correct errors made in lower courts. However, it is often limited to reviewing procedural matters and legal interpretations rather than re-examining factual determinations made by juries.
  18. **Inherent Bias Toward the State**: Judges and prosecutors are part of the government structure and may share common interests, which could lead to an inherent bias in favor of the state. This is particularly concerning in criminal cases where the state’s resources and interests are pitted against those of an individual defendant.
  19. **Prosecutorial Overreach**: Prosecutors may sometimes pursue cases more aggressively when seeking re-election or to maintain a high conviction rate. This can lead to overcharging, where more or more serious charges are brought against a defendant than may be warranted by the evidence.
  20. **Judicial Appointments and Elections**: In jurisdictions where judges are elected or appointed by political figures, there could be pressure to rule in favor of the state to secure future support or appointments. This can undermine judicial independence and impartiality.
  21. **Public Perception and Media Influence**: High-profile cases can be influenced by public opinion and media coverage, which might affect the impartiality of jurors or put pressure on judges and attorneys to act in ways that satisfy public demand rather than adhere strictly to legal principles.
  22. **Underfunded Defense Resources**: Public defenders and court-appointed attorneys often have significantly fewer resources than state prosecutors, which can lead to less thorough investigations and weaker defense strategies for defendants who cannot afford private counsel.
  23. **Plea Bargain Dynamics**: The system’s reliance on plea bargaining can disproportionately affect those who are less informed about their rights or who feel coerced into accepting a deal out of fear, misunderstanding, or lack of proper legal advice.
  24. **Quality of Legal Representation**: The quality of legal representation is not uniform, and those with limited financial resources may end up with less experienced or overburdened lawyers, affecting the fairness of the trial process.
  25. **Legislative Influence on the Judiciary**: Laws are created by the legislative arm of the government, which may also allocate funding to the judiciary. This relationship can create a conflict of interest if the judiciary feels pressured to interpret laws in a way that aligns with legislative preferences.
  26. **Law Enforcement Objectivity**: Police officers and other law enforcement agents may have close working relationships with prosecutors. This can sometimes lead to a mutual interest in securing convictions, potentially affecting the objectivity required during investigations.
  27. **Discovery Imbalances**: The prosecution might have access to evidence that is not readily available to the defense due to procedural rules or practical limitations, which can create an imbalance in the ability of each side to build its case.
  28. **Juror Bias and Selection**: The process of juror selection can be influenced by attorneys from both sides attempting to seat jurors who they believe will be sympathetic to their case. This can introduce bias into the jury and affect the outcome of trials.
  29. **Sentencing Inequities**: Sentencing guidelines and practices may favor the state’s perspective on punishment, leading to harsher sentences for certain crimes or certain types of defendants, reflecting societal biases rather than objective criteria.
  30. **Barrier to Civil Litigation**: In civil cases against the state, sovereign immunity can prevent citizens from suing the government or can limit the scope of potential lawsuits, which creates an inherent imbalance in citizens’ ability to seek redress.
  31. **Potential biases**:
    - Attorneys and judges may hold pro-government biases that prevent truly impartial rulings, even unconsciously. Their career incentives are tied to the existing justice system.
    - Bar associations and the broader legal profession likely share cultural/systemic biases that favor states over dissenters/individuals.
  32. **Structural power imbalances**:
    - The state has vastly more resources, legal expertise, access to evidence, ability to withstand costs/delays, etc. Individuals face steep disadvantages in presenting their side.
    - The state controls the rules and operations of the justice system itself. It can change laws or procedures to its advantage.
  33. **Incentives for rights violations**:
    - Without robust checks, states and legal systems may slowly expand governmental power and encroach on civil liberties if it serves state interests. Violations slowly become normalized.
    - With no external accountability, legal systems may fail to provide redress for rights violations and police misconduct. Self-regulation tends toward self-protection.
  34. **Judges**: may have personal, political or career incentives to rule in favor of the state. E.g. not wanting to hamper law enforcement, currying favor for reappointment, avoiding public controversy.
  35. **Prosecutors**: work closely with police and may develop biases or incentives to not hold law enforcement accountable in misconduct cases. Their performance metrics also depend on convictions.
  36. **Public defenders**: have huge caseloads and resource constraints compared to prosecutors, hampering their ability to effectively represent defendants.
  37. **Juries**: may be inherently biased towards police/prosecution accounts over defendants due to cultural narratives about “good guys catching bad guys.”
  38. **The state**: often writes vaguely worded laws that give police excess discretion and leeway in making arrests, searches, etc. The laws themselves are skewed.
  39. **Supreme Court justices**: and other prominent legal figures often come from positions representing the government earlier in their careers. This shapes legal interpretations.
  40. **Law enforcement agencies and district attorneys**: have wide latitude over what cases to bring forward for prosecution in the first place. Many instances of misconduct may never reach trial.
  41. **Legal precedents**: and case law tend to accumulate in ways that reinforce and expand state power while diminishing civil liberties protections over time.

In essence, the legal system has structural biases, career incentives, and forms of discretion at every level that favor expansion of government power against the rights of individuals. Meaningful accountability is elusive with or without external oversight and any transparency mechanisms to counteract this imbalance of power and interests may not always exist.



Amity Haven

Introspection, Global Coherence, Humanitarian / Disability Aid, Ocean Clean-Up / Reforestation Charities, International Law and Privacy Coins.