Amoveo Moscow Meetup: Announcement and Crowdfunding

Amoveo Editor
Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2019

Today, we are happy to announce that Moscow-based members of the Amoveo community are coming together on the 17th of May. We have joined forces with Cryptoecon Moscow, a community of finance and technology enthusiasts, to set up a joint event where we will discuss cryptoeconomics, blockchain technology and prediction markets.

The meetup is free to attend, but due to limited space in the venue we require attendees to RSVP:

Our Speakers

Thanks to the supportive Moscow blockchain community, we managed to find a great space in the city centre and invite top-class speakers. Denis Voskvitsov, chief of and an expert in software architecture, machine learning and cryptoeconomics, will talk about the work he and his team have done for the Amoveo ecosystem and deliver a speech on blockchain-based prediction markets.

From the Cryptoecon side, we will have the great Stepan Gershuni, CEO of and the founder of Cryptoeconomics Research Group. Stepan will talk about ways of implementing cryptoeconomic mechanisms and elements of prediction markets in education, using several ongoing projects as examples.

Finally, we will hear about how big corporations are harnessing the power of prediction markets from Andrey Duhovniy, executive director of the liquidity risk modeling department of Sberbank, one of Russia’s biggest banks. Andrey will tell us about how one of the country’s biggest companies is using prediction markets to forecast corporate performance.

Our Goals

With this meetup, our most important and obvious goal is raising awareness about Amoveo. Moscow has a keen tech and blockchain community, which will undoubtedly be interested in learning about the project and sharing their opinions. Even those in attendance who are unfamiliar with the very concept of prediction markets will walk away knowing exactly what Amoveo is and what it’s capable of.

Another important goal of ours is adding value to Amoveo. First of all, we are hoping that this event will attract new, active community members to the platform. Secondly, we are going to record every presentation and post it online at some point after the event. The even’t main language is Russian, but we are going to translate the presentations and include English subtitles to the videos. Finally, we will be asking the attendees to spread the word about Amoveo through their social network accounts.

This closely corresponds with the third goal of our: using the Amoveo platform and talking about it. Specifically, we have created a Dominant Assurance Contract (DAC) hoping to crowdfund the event if the wider community decides enough value was generated. If you want to find out more about what DACs are and how they can be implemented in Amoveo, refer to this article. We are hoping that this event will inspire other communities around the world to organise meetups and fund them through Amoveo.


In order to understand how this DAC works, we need to view our meetup and the subsequent activities as the creation of a public good, which will add value to Amoveo and increase awareness about it. Those who are holding VEO obviously want to see it increase in price, and if they think our public good will be able to drive the value up, they are more than welcome to help us fund this event.

Essentially, DACs in Amoveo are peer-to-peer contracts, connected to an oracle which will eventually fetch the information from the real world that proves our meetup actually took place, feed it to the network and close the aforementioned contracts. After lengthy discussions with the wider Amoveo community, we came up with the following oracle question:

“An Amoveo Meetup to be held on May 17th, 2019 in Moscow. At least 10 attendees to prove that the event happened by posting photos from the event to social networks with a hashtag #AmoveoDAC. Did it happen?” — oracle ID g+xdp+CO5PqA9Nz7FfdBLEjf4NEcA7v1FGTiruJnP8o=

Using the hashtag, the users in charge of reporting the outcome to the oracle will be able to find all the related posts and clearly see how many people have posted about the Amoveo Moscow Meetup. This will prove that the event in question happened, and additional value was added by at least 10 people writing about it. The oracle will start 3–4 days after the event.

The Moscow-based Amoveo community has already put some funds towards organising this event, but if the wider community will decide to support us, we will be able to do more depending on how much funds will be locked in the channels. One of the attendees has already contributed 0.5 VEO: we have entered a contract to which our contribution was 0.05 VEO, so if we will fail to deliver what we set out to do, they will receive 0.55 VEO back.

If you would like to contribute, get in touch with Stepan on Telegram. As part of the Moscow meetup coverage, we will be releasing step-by-step instructions on how to create a DAC on Amoveo in the coming days. Stay tuned!

