The Perfect Environment for Improving the… Environment

Meet Bobo Lai, Ampd’s Business Development Specialist

Julian de Jonquieres
Ampd Energy


Bobo Lai, a member of Ampd Energy’s business development team, has always been passionate about sustainability, and decided from an early age that she wanted her career to be focused on improving the environment.

She graduated from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology with a degree in Environmental Management and Technology, learning both the science and business side, which made her a perfect fit at Ampd. Along the way, she sought out internships and participated in activities in university and her local community where she could understand where she could make an impact: “I was trying to find what part of the field would suit me the best, and how I could contribute the most toward a more sustainable world.”

Bobo found Ampd through her final year project where she was tasked to explore how to electrify construction sites. “I worked with Gammon Construction to achieve early electrification of construction sites,” she said. “Along the way, I discovered Ampd, and was amazed by the Enertainer technology that addressed the problem with insufficient power supply faced at these sites. It was not only environmentally friendly, but also saved money for the contractor.”

Meeting a construction site team.

With every unit that Ampd deploys, it removes up to two hundred tons of CO2 per year. To Bobo, this was an instant, straightforward, and effective way to cut down on carbon emissions. “There’s a personal aspect to it too,” she said. “My father is a construction worker, and I hope that one day, my work can bring the Enertainer to his sites, bringing him a safer, quieter, and healthier working environment.”

Bobo lives and breathes this company in her daily life. She enjoys getting out of the office and going to the construction sites where the Enertainer has been deployed. She loves working with people from all levels, from the company director to the site electrician. Her favorite thing about her job is following the whole sales process, from product introduction to coordinating delivery, and everything in between. “It’s like delivering a complete solution to the customer.”

As she thinks about the future of Ampd, Bobo is most excited about the prospect of the Enertainer becoming commonplace. “I like to imagine all these tower cranes I see in Hong Kong being powered by the Enertainer instead of diesel generators. What if the Enertainer became the new norm for construction sites? The possibilities for carbon reduction and improving the environment with this technology are endless. Just imagining that excites me.”

Delivering the Enertainer to a customer site.

When she isn’t working, Bobo spends much of her time doing photography and playing with her dog. She likes how photography allows her to look at things from different angles and find the right focus and way to frame it.

“If I could have any superpower, I would want to be able to hack into people’s minds and put sustainability there so that every move and decision they would make would consider sustainability. Think of recycling the bottle before throwing it in the trash; think of mushroom risotto before ordering beef; think of the battery solution before using diesel generators. If sustainability could be in everyone’s mind, the world would be incredibly different.”

Sharing about her sustainability journey and emissions from the construction sector at the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change at CUHK .



Julian de Jonquieres
Ampd Energy
Editor for

Julian is the COO of Ampd Energy. He is ultra focused on the vision of an emission free future for construction.