Satisfied with being Never Satisfied

Meet Yiu Hei from Ampd’s software team who is a on a quest for self-improvement

Julian de Jonquieres
Ampd Energy


Yiu Hei, a member Ampd’s software team, always wants to get better. He is the embodiment of one of Ampd’s values — Never Satisfied — and is always trying to make himself and Ampd’s product better. “I love the phrase “1% a day makes you 37 times better each year,” he says, “I will keep improving over time and you will receive a better me.” He’s an avid reader of books on how to improve himself across all aspects of his life and regularly recommends them to the team — his favourite book is Atomic Habits by James Clear.

Self-improvement has always been a focus: at Chinese University, he made the Dean’s and College Head’s List for Computer Engineering. While there he won an award in an HKSTP Smarter City competition (this was the start of an on-going relationship with the Science Park!). After university he sought out jobs in which he could develop his skills working with start-ups like Colt Advance and Inovo Robotics and larger organisations like Octopus and ASTRI (many of which are based at the Science Park). Throughout each job he worked on different aspects of himself and now feels comfortable in embedded software, front and back end web development and Mobile App development.

While working for Inovo Robitics he entered a competition in which Ampd also participated. He heard Brandon Ng, Ampd’s CEO, speak and was immediately intrigued: “I loved how Brandon was trying to solve big challenges, felt he was a strong leader and that he really could make these things happen,” he remembers. However, it took another few years before the dots were connected. He was contacted through LinkedIn by a member of Ampd’s team and he was excited by the opportunity to build an IoT platform from the ground up (the platform will be launching very soon). “I felt I could use all the skills I had developed previously and learn new ones so it was a no-brainer to join.”

Yiu Hei at the Jumpstart competition in his former role

Yiu Hei loves working for a company that shares his goal of constant improvement and openness to new ideas. He loves the team and appreciates that there are no politics at the company. In fact, Yiu Hei is Ampd’s Games Master, organizing games at the monthly team drinks Ampd holds in its office. For the future, he is excited about the focus of the company on data driven development — both using data for decision-making as well as the pipeline of digital products being worked on.

Over time Yiu Hei has realized that the process of improvement is what he loves, not only the result. “A few years ago, I wished I could create more time to learn more and do new challenges,” he comments. “However, I’ve learnt that if I develop the right skills and attitude I can do everything I want to. In fact, I realized that life’s fun is in developing skills to do more things with less time rather than just being “given” skills or creating more time.”



Julian de Jonquieres
Ampd Energy
Editor for

Julian is the COO of Ampd Energy. He is ultra focused on the vision of an emission free future for construction.