Integrate BitBucket & Jenkins

Ampersand Academy
Published in
6 min readJul 2, 2021


Connect Jenkins and Bitbucket. And trigger a job automatically in Jenkins when a new code is committed in Bitbucket.

Simple DevOps Pipeline Example

In this tutorial, you will learn how to connect Bitbucket and Jenkins. And trigger the build when a code is modified/ committed/ changed in the Bitbucket repository. DevOps plays a very important role in application development. Every organisation adopting DevOps in its project. DevOps eases the developer and operations work. In DevOps, we will use Git as a version control system. And Jenkins used to build the code present in Git.

Previously I have written a tutorial for Installing Jenkins. Please refer to this if you don’t have Jenkins installed on your machine. I am using Cloud Server for Jenkins.

The goal of this tutorial is, how to connect Jenkins and BitBucket. Whenever a code is changed in BitBucket Repo, Jenkins automatically will create a new build process. Not focusing on the build process in Jenkins and deploying to a remote server using Jenkins.

In this tutorial, you will learn.

1. Create Repo using Bitbucket.

2. Install the Bitbucket plugin in Jenkins.

3. Create New Job in Jenkins and connect BitBucket Repo using the BitBucket credentials.



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