FAQ (~8/3/2018)

AMPLE! staff
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2018

We gathered questions from such as Twitter and Discord etc and create FAQ.Please have a look.

• Please tell me why AMPLE! has decided to introduce its own cryptocurrency.

Cosplay, anime, and manga are already enjoyed across the globe. By introducing a currency that has the same value worldwide, we believe it will allow for smooth communication between fans regardless of where they are from. It is through our token and service that we wish to help support those who would be active on a worldwide scale.

• What are your thoughts on domestic listing?

We are planning to list our token on both domestic and foreign exchanges. As soon as we finalize a listing location, we will make an announcement. However, even once we have finalized listing locations, we realize that we cannot achieve our goal of aiming for the world scale with a token that has no uses; as such, we are actively working to develop and improve our services and products.

• How will you increase the number of active users on your site?

We believe that we can increase active users via new services that we are actively developing, as well as special events that we plan to hold in the future. We will continue working to fulfill our mission of, “connecting the people of the world through cosplay.”

• Is ACO safe?

ACO is being developed with the support of advisors who have experience in developing and managing crytpocurrency exchanges. In order to ensure a high level of security we have created numerous test codes with which we are conducting tests with the utmost care.

• How is AMPNISTA progressing?

Many people, both domestic and abroad, have applied. We would like to continue this project with those who share our vision for the world that we are striving for. That being said, the majority of those applying are cosplayers. We would also like to bring those who support the cosplayers as well, such as makeup artists, photographers, costume designers, etc. We are eagerly awaiting anyone and everyone who wants to join us!

• Do you have plans of listing as a corporation?

Taking into account future services development, should we decide it necessary, we will consider listing as a corporation. At that time, we will make the decision based on whether or not we feel that it is necessary to achieve our vision.

• What sorts of services will you develop moving forward?

Please see our road map here.

• Won’t it just be the top cosplayers who will actually be profitable?

Our original vision also includes the nuance, “to create an environment where even those who have been unable to earn an income through cosplay activities will be able to do so.” In order to make that a reality, we are working to make sure that as many cosplayers as possible will be able make a living using our services. Of course, there will be those who earn a lot and those who only earn a little bit, but we are developing our services so that the users can compensated appropriately for the value they demonstrate.

• What is the most recent service you have been developing?

We are currently developing a service that would make it possible for anyone to make or receive payments easily, without a handling fee. In addition, we also have a number of other similar concepts for services that we are looking at; however, for now, we are primarily focusing on those that have a focus on enabling users to support each other. Furthermore, this service will be at a core service of AMPLE! Coin. We also have plans to open up the API to the public so that community developers can develop their own services that make use of ACO.

• What is your goal (vision) as a corporation?

Our current goal for the immediate future is to make is so that cosplaying can be a profession; however, we would like to expand upon that to including everyone involved in cosplay, so that people can do what they enjoy most as a profession. We plan to develop various services to achieve this goal moving forward.

This is the FAQ sent to AMPLE! We will keep updating FAQ from now on, so I will inform you on Twitter and Discord.



AMPLE! staff
Editor for

Expanding our service with the mission of “Making ‘Cosplayer’ a profession.” Through our introduction of A! Coin(ACO) we will evolve into a new platform.