Don’t Bother Finding the Meaning of Life

Your time on Earth is finite and the clock is ticking.

Morris T
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2020


A classic time piece.
No one lives forever. Photo by Shawn Lee on Unsplash

Do you ponder the meaning of life? Why are you here and what are you destined to be? Does the search for this elusive meaning consume your sanity? I have been there and looking back, my conclusion is that I could have spent that time in a better manner.

There is a meaning to life but

Our expectations change as we experience life. When you are a young adult, you may conclude that life is all about a noble cause. Save the trees, recycle waste, etc. Don’t get me wrong, these are great ideals to have. Fast forward to your 30s and you may find that life is all about making ends meet and having a happy family. This is the crux of the article.

The meaning of life that you are searching for changes.

It is a product of what you experience in life and the expectations that you then build upon. For example, a child born into a family of medical professionals may find saving lives the meaning of life while an adult who is grieving for the loss of his family due to a car crash may find the meaning of life to be dark. That one’s purpose in life is to be born and destined for inevitable sorrow.



Morris T

Melancholic by nature, hopeful by choice. Dreams of a day when people are kind to each other. Former Banker and Educator. 🙆 🙆‍♂️