3 Reasons Why Messenger Marketing is the new wave in B2C conversations!

Akanksha Sudan
Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2018

Messaging platforms are growing at a tremendous pace and are becoming an important tool in the Marketer’s kitbag. If a brand is using a Chatbot to reach its customers then that brand has achieved the highest threshold in connecting to its customers. It is not just about upgrading the technology and introducing words like AI, NLP, ML & big data in your marketing plans, but transforming the customer experience.

Source : Chat Bots — A Consumer Research Study
  1. Changing audience behavior — People prefer messaging rather than personal visits or phone calls.
    It’s not a one-way but a two-way conversation, the users can engage, interact and transact across mobile and desktop. It helps the brands to convert the interactions into personalized one-to-one conversations. As the users are looking for more “personal space”, they expect right content, products and experiences in their messaging experience which is possible through a chatbot.

2. Time Pressure — 24/7 availability with intelligent & personalized responses
Customers nowadays don’t have a lot of time and are always in hurry. It’s important to reach out to them via a platform which is widely used by them.There are various messaging platforms available to deploy a Chatbot for a Brand like Facebook Messenger, Line, Slack, Instagram to make real-time conversations. Wherein Facebook Messenger is amongst the top four social messaging platforms worldwide and has 1.3 billion users alone.

3. Real-time Campaign tracking & use of accurate data sets
The advent of the Messenger Marketing has changed the playing field for Marketers, to drive results and sustainable business growth, more accurate methods based on people insights are being adopted. This gives marketers the ability to measure campaigns on and off Facebook, on both desktop and mobile devices. When looking at attribution and reach, this approach offers a more holistic look at the messenger campaign performance — something not possible before.

Any business that relies only on email marketing are now a passé, chatbots really can close the gap between business and consumers with more reliability, accuracy and failure-free performance for delivery. The bot can help in ensuring a stable and constant one-stop solution for all client queries.

Botworx.ai platform has been instrumental in not only building an engaging bot but also driving growth through their unique tool offerings. Business can be assured of meaningful conversations with their audience through a platform which is widely used.

Mail to info@botworx.ai to get your Brand’s own Chatbot !

