powered Chatbots Featured on
Facebook Messenger’s “Discover” Tab as Top ranked across Categories in India

Akanksha Sudan
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2018 powered Chatbots now appear under six major categories on Facebook Messenger’s Discover Tab, namely News, Food & Drink, Sports, Health & Fitness, Entertainment & Travel. We are thrilled that covers six of thirteen available categories. Some of these are also in the “Featured” section of Discover Tab. Currently, 14 clients of are featured in the Discover Tab & we expect that more will be added soon!

How? At we continuously strive to improve the utility of our chatbots with new features and conversation options. We realized early on that a bot’s success depended on understanding how users reacted to the conversation design and adapting and optimizing that design to create the outcomes a brand desired. CEO & Co-Founder, Mahi de Silva says “We at focus on helping our brand customers get the most out of this powerful medium of communication. The power of machine learning presents actionable insights in our data-powered dashboard — helping us & our clients observe trends and constantly improve and optimize conversations between a brand and a consumer.”

The chatbot economy is expanding globally and the Indian market has embraced this new & innovative conversational medium. Every week, a new vertical is adopting this messaging experience for diverse AI-driven user experiences. Chatbots on social messaging platform are “moving the needle” convincingly for news publishers, content creators & recommendation platforms in addition to the tried-and-true enquiry handling & client re-engagement campaigns.

Botworx’s platform provides brands, agencies or companies, many advanced tools for multiple verticals

Leveraging popular social messaging apps used by more than 5B consumers around the world, every day, we weave a compelling interaction opportunity via our AI-powered, cloud platform. We take a macro approach to enable brands and agencies to engage most effectively with their consumers across the communication lifecycle. Our aim is to empower Brands to have more meaningful engagements with their existing & potential clients — in ways that pour fuel into their economic engine.

