Starting from the Bottom: Are Community Health Workers the Key to Achieving Universal Health Coverage?

Udochisom Anaba
Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2018

“History is made by our achievements. We have come a long way to make the impossible possible: from the control of fire, to life-saving vaccines to landing on the moon. Our next historic achievement is right in front of us: health for all humankind.” -April 7th, 2018, World Health Day celebration

These were the words used by the World Health Organization on World Health Day this year, calling on governments and partners to ensure access to essential quality and affordable health services for everyone — whoever they are, and wherever they live — by 2030.

The ambitious vision is achievable with investment in the primary healthcare workforce as a key strategy to providing cost-effective and equitable access to essential healthcare services, especially for the poor and those living in remote, rural areas. However, there is a growing concern within the global health community that health systems may not have the human resources to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC). This is why there has been a resurgence of interest in community health and recruiting and training community health workers (CHWs) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to mitigate the projected shortage of 18 million health workers by 2030.

CHWs are widely recognized as key to making progress on this agenda. This was evident at the recent primary health conference held in Astana, Kazakhstan. In the Astana Declaration, world leaders reaffirmed the importance of community health systems and CHWs in strengthening primary healthcare. In addition, the WHO also unveiled the first-ever policy and programming guidelines for community health workers.

A CHW at work. Courtesy: Population Council

This is just the beginning. For efforts to be sustainable, we need to understand the factors that keep CHWs active and committed to the welfare of their communities. We need to understand what motivates them and how we can improve their performance. Incentives are key, but most Ministries of Health in LMICs do not have adequate resources to commit to a regular salary for the large cadres of CHWs, and this gives credence to a “package” of incentives for CHWs. Research from different settings shows that the retention and motivation of CHWs can improve with a combination of financial incentives, such as regular salaries, performance-based monetary incentives, and non-financial incentives like trainings, adequate access to supplies, supportive supervision, respect, and trust.

Now is the time to take these factors into consideration and focus on a grassroots approach to UHC. While skilled healthcare professionals are crucial to a functioning health system, we need to consider a bottom-up approach to UHC, starting with CHWs. Recruiting and training CHWs is not enough, we also need ways to retain them; we need to get their perspectives on UHC and to ask them what would incentivize them to improve their performance and be better able to serve their communities.

This will not only put equity back at the heart of UHC, it will also embody the concept of Universal Health Coverage: leaving no one behind. When the voices of CHWs are heard, the voices of the poor and vulnerable families and marginalized populations whom they serve are also heard.

Udochisom Anaba is a 2018–2019 Global Health Corps fellow and a Quantitative Researcher for Maternal & Newborn Health at Population Council in the USA.

Global Health Corps (GHC) is a leadership development organization building the next generation of health equity leaders around the world. All GHC fellows, partners, and supporters are united in a common belief: health is a human right. Want to get involved? Check out these great opportunities to support the health equity movement and consider joining us as a fellow — applications are open through January 16, 2019! And don’t forget to connect with us on Twitter /Instagram / Facebook.

