Why Sport for Development is an Effective Tool in Tackling Youth Development Issues

Imran Nadaph
Published in
5 min readDec 9, 2015

Sport has the power to change the world.

It has the power to unite in a way that little else does.

It speaks to youth in a language they can understand.

Sport can create hope where once there was only despair.

It is more powerful than governments in breaking down racial barriers.

It laughs in the face of all types of discrimination.

-Nelson Mandela

It is often said that sport has an inherent ability to bring people together, in particular the youth, and yet until recently, the tremendous potential of sport for development to achieve youth development objectives has been little utilized. By its very nature, sport encourages participation bridging national, ethnic, social and religious divides. It is precisely for this reason that sport, when used as a tool for development, can serve as an impetus for social transformation and change!

Sport for development aspires to achieve social impact by using sport, play and physical activity. Alongside its importance in the field of education, sport can also serve as a tool in areas of health promotion, HIV prevention, gender equality, violence prevention, conflict resolution, good governance, inclusion, and environment all of which are prime issues concerning young people today.

In the context of India which has an unrivaled youth population, 28% of India’s population is 10 to 24 year-old and 65% of its population is 35 or under. SDP (sport for development and peace) initiatives are an efficient and cost-effective tool. Young people are the innovators, creators, builders, and leaders of the future. But they can transform the future only if they have the necessary skills, health, decision-making opportunities, and real choices about their lives.

Sport and Health

In India, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like obesity, diabetes, stroke, chronic lung diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer, which are attributable to lifestyle disorders, have become an increasingly serious problem among the urban middle-class population, including young people. According to recent WHO estimates, NCDs are responsible for almost 60% of total deaths in India.

Source: TranStadia Academies

My personal experience working on a holistic sports education program partnering schools and neighborhood communities has showed how being physically active on a regular basis significantly lowers the risk of NCDs. By equipping school and community leaders and educators with the tools to create an active learning environment, such programs improve the health of children, adolescents, and adults and promote lifelong wellness.

In my current capacity as a Program Manager with The Grassroot Project, a sport for development organization in Washington D.C., we use the power of sport and athlete role models to educate at-risk youth in the community about HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention and combat the high rate of HIV/AIDS in the community. Instead of using a traditional education program that is lecture-based and taught by teachers or health educators, the use of games that teach lessons and athletes as messengers allows young people to share their feelings and beliefs, increase knowledge, and develop healthy attitudes and behaviors.

More importantly, The Grassroot Project is one of the first organizations in D.C. to be designed, initiated, and managed completely by student athletes, thereby engaging them in the decision making process, providing leadership opportunities through various youth positions within the organization. In many ways, The Grassroot Project demonstrates how a combination of innovative research and on-the-ground engagement of young people really can changes the way communities understand an issue.

Source: The Grassroot Project

Sport in Education

The benefits of sport reach beyond the impact of physical well being; the value of educational benefits of sport should not be underestimated. Sports-based youth programs that concentrate on delivering high quality physical education right from an early age have shown the positive relationship between being involved in physical activity and psycho-social development by:

  • Boosting academic performance
  • Increasing concentration and focus, and
  • Improving classroom attendance and behavior

Furthermore a recent study by researchers at the University of Illinois underscores the importance of physical activity for children’s brain development especially in terms of the particular thinking skills that most affect academic performance.

Source: The Grassroot Project

Sport in Peace Building and Conflict Resolution

Several organizations the world over, such as Generations for Peace, Peace and Sport and PeacePlayers International, have successfully used sport as a vehicle for conflict resolution efforts at both the grassroots and nation state levels. SDP programs focused on peace building and conflict resolution create an environment in which people can come together to work towards the same goal: show respect for others and share space and equipment. Under a corporate social responsibility (CSR) project and in partnership with the Sports Authority of Gujarat (SAG) in India, I have seen from close quarters the successful use of sport and its values to tap the potential of young people from the marginalized communities of riot-affected Godhra in the state of Gujarat, India. The center, which started off as a community football club, today boasts several young talented players who have represented Gujarat at various levels of competition.

When utilized in a correct manner, sport enhances self-esteem and self-confidence and promotes responsible behavior. By taking part in sport, children and young people learn to manage victory as well as defeat. They acquire life skills that help them deal with challenging situations and improve their long-term prospects. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say sports for development initiatives could potentially contribute to peace building and conflict resolution.

In a nutshell, sports for development programs not only create an awareness of the vulnerability experienced by young people, but also have an empowerment effect. They develop skills and knowledge necessary for young people to have more control of their lives and to function as responsible members of their communities. It is my firm belief that a thoroughly planned, carefully implemented, and rigorously evaluated SDP program centered on national, regional, or local development and peace priorities is a powerful answer to the various issues which concern youth development.

Imran Nadaph is a 2015–2016 Global Health Corps fellow at The Grassroot Project in Washington, D.C. All GHC fellows, partners and supporters are united in a common belief: health is a human right. There is a role for everyone in the movement for health equity. Join the movement today.



Imran Nadaph
Writer for

An Executive and Life Coach with a passion for helping people realize their full potential and lead more fulfilling careers.