5 Proven Reasons Why You Should Sing

Oluwapelumi Olorundare
Amplifying Success
Published in
6 min readJan 22, 2024
Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Words make you think. Music makes you feel. A song makes you feel a thought.” -E.Y. Harburg

Isn’t it annoying that our voice while singing (especially in public) is never as sweet as when we sing in the bathroom? Worse, don’t you just think that the sound recorder doesn’t display the intensity and melodiousness of your voice? How dare you say I sing like a strangulated cat?


I faced this rejection at one point and I stopped singing in public. But I won’t be held back, I know I am talented only certain persons can’t feel it (smiles).

I completely understand if you don’t sing in public. I do. That’s okay, we are all not made for the big stage.

But (did you sense that coming?), singing is not just about the big stage. The shower is not a bad place to start.

Singing has always been a part of our culture. We sing because we can. With about 47 genres of music, there is a lot to choose from. From rock, hip hop, pop, afro beats, etc. There is just so much music out there.

However, for some reason, people don’t sing anymore. Singing has been segregated to some certain set of persons. We are worried about our voices.

Truly, a put down of one’s voice can affect how the person sings, especially in public. Our voice, after all, is the only musical instrument we can carry anywhere.

Don’t let that bog you, there are so many awesome reasons to sing, so don’t stop singing.

It does not need to be perfect-or technically correct-to be magic. — Rasheed Ogunlaru

Let me dispel the myth, “I am tone deaf and so can’t sing”.

According to James Sills, if you derive pleasure from listening to music, you are indeed capable of singing. This means that if you enjoy music then you can sing. You just need training.

#Reason Number 1: Singing Makes Us Happy

Singing can be fun

Have a bad day? Put on that track and vibe along. You get uplifted and feel better.

Cleaning the house, or doing house chores? You know what to do to make it fun. A sing-along coming right up.

A breakup? The pain is sinking in. Put on that track. That soulful music is sure to pick you up.

When we sing, we feel connected to people. Do you know how nice is it to sing and have people join in? it’s so much fun.

It might be so hard to find a voice to sing, that’s how angry you are feeling. But try this today, play that music, luckily there is music for almost all moods. Go into that groove, sooner you will find yourself nodding and tapping to the song. Eventually, hallelujah, you burst out singing.

By the way, even when you cry at a song, that’s a good thing. Crying is self-soothing and emotional tears release endorphins and oxytocin which I must say is a good thing because your pain is relieved.

It doesn’t matter what you are feeling at the moment, tears from singing or listening to music aren’t a bad thing.

#Reason Number 2: Singing Boosts Your Immunity and Health

What?! I don’t believe this, you cry.

Patience, dear reader. Yes, singing affects your health. Your immune system is affected as it increases your levels of immunoglobulin A (an antibody essential for immunity). You should know that the levels increase when you sing as opposed to when you merely listen to music.

When you sing, your pain threshold is also increased. This is because singing releases endorphins and this in turn makes us bear more pain according to an article, “Performance of music elevates pain threshold and positive affect” in the Journal “Evolutionary Psychology”.

Studies say, because we feel connected when we sing, our pain threshold is higher. It is especially higher when we sing in a group.

Furthermore, singing helps to increase lung function. Your breathing is more efficient when you sing. If you sing in a choir, for example, you have a better posture and improved muscle tension.

Singing is important for our overall well-being, both mentally and physically.

#Reason Number 3: When You Sing, You Get Smarter

Okay, wow. But there is a reason why music mnemonics are the order of the day in cramming sections. I learned my ABCs as a song before I could write.

You find it harder to forget what you sang compared to what you read (unless you have a photographic memory).

Learning to sing promotes structural changes in the brain that help you learn and think quicker on your feet”. Dr. Brian McDonough

When you sing, your mental alertness, memory, and concentration are improved. Music can take you back memory lane that’s how powerful music is.

Beyond that, endorphins released while singing, help to strengthen neural pathways and increase neural neuroplasticity (the ability of your brain to adapt and change in response to new experiences).

#Reason Number 4: Singing Reduces Stress and Anxiety.

“He who sings scares away his woes.”- Miguel de Cervantes

Have a panic attack? Breathe in and out. When you feel a bit grounded, try humming. It helps you regain control. This sends a signal to your body that you aren’t being attacked.

Since singing benefits our lungs, by increasing our lung capacity. Try singing Chandelier by Sia in the shower, and find out how much explosive power your lungs have.

Your lungs benefit and make your breathing efficient, helping you to reduce anxiety and transition to a place of peace.

Sing when you have a bad day and see your stress melting away.

Are you worried about something? Can you solve it? It doesn’t matter, sing your worries away. It doesn’t take your problems away but it gives you room to think when you aren’t so worried.

#Reason Number 5: When You Sing, You Have A Sense of Belonging and Community

Photo by Iyinoluwa Onaeko on Unsplash

Singing has always been a community thing. That feeling you get when watching a choir perform is doubled when you are part of that choir performing.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t think you can be a part of a singing group without forming attachments.

Singing brings us closer to one another. Need a quick way to socialize, join a choir.

After, singing or practicing, you easily find things to bond about. School, work, movies, or even if it is about that alto boy at the back.

Do you know why school trips are fun? You get to do a sing-along. Someone starts a song, and everyone joins in, with different voices, and no one mocking anyone. Just a class vibing to their joy and camaraderie.


Singing shouldn’t be avoided. When you sing, you become happier, smarter, healthier, stress-free and you feel like you belong. So, why don’t you sing? Embarrassed about your voice? You can always train it. Just don’t stop singing.

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Read more by me: 9 Powerful Resolutions to Level up your New Year.



Oluwapelumi Olorundare
Amplifying Success

I'm simple and willing to learn. A child at heart with a love of books, computers and the world. Want to reach out to me- darepelumi0909@gmail.com