Welcome to Amplitude’s First Intern Blog

Rachel Hu
Amplitude Intern Blog
2 min readAug 17, 2022

The Amplitude Intern Blog is a platform for interns at Amplitude Analytics to document their growth and share stories while completing the program. Follow this publication to gain a unique perspective of what it is like to enter a tech company while navigating the beginning of a new career!


Who are the authors?

Amplitude interns across engineering, design, product, business development, and more! Interns come from a variety of educational backgrounds to kickstart a new career.

What will be shared?

  • Reflections on the intern experience and some of our intern’s favorite moments
  • Challenges we faced as well as the key learnings and insights behind them
  • Lifestyle sharing, such as a typical day in our job and what goes through our brains
  • A sneak peek into company culture and all the awesome events going on!

What is Amplitude Analytics?

A self-service digital analytics platform that powers growth for businesses. We help businesses to understand users, drive conversions, and increase all kinds of metrics like engagement, visibility, and revenue.

How do I become an Amplitude intern?

Our job page is regularly updated! You can apply for an intern position listed there. But beyond getting to the application page, we look for important core values in our interns. Humility, Ownership, and Growth-Mindset are the three key values we emphasize. They drive the continuous improvement of a great product :)

I’m liking this blog. What are ways I can contribute?

  • For Amplitude Employees: So, now you know what the interns are thinking. We hope you can take the insights from this blog to your day-to-day in the workplace and continue encouraging this hungry group of young people! And in the long run, we hope our feedback can be incorporated into the employee ecosystem, creating a supportive and inspiring community that brings out our best work.
  • For Aspiring Interns: Hello! We encourage you to apply to Amplitude and learn more about our company, because it truly is an incredible environment for growth. And beyond that, we hope the stories and life experience we share can provide helpful insight to whatever it is you are working towards.
  • For the Curious Internet Passerby: Welcome, glad we piqued your interest! Continue asking questions in the comments, sharing your thoughts about Amplitude + our intern program, and spreading the word. We’re always looking for areas to improve and it’s viewers like you who kickstart that process :)

