Earn $AMPT while Discovering Decentralised Governance

Guaranteed to WIN! $70K+ In Total Rewards!!

Alexander CM
Amplify Protocol
2 min readNov 11, 2021


Top Prizes of $5,000, $3000, and $1000

It’s official — more than $75,000 worth of $AMPT will be up for grabs in Amplify Protocol’s latest and most exciting community bounty event!

Distributed Autonomous Organization (DAO)

In the lead-up to Amplify Protocol’s imminent 🚀 launch, the team has decided to take this initiative to ensure that we are a “day one DAO”.

We are big believers in decentralization, and this Bounty program puts YOU in control of how the voting-escrow app (decentralized governance) will function.

Actualization through Decentralization

From the first moments of its launch on the mainnet, Amplify Protocol will be created for users by users. We aim to achieve actualization through decentralization.

In return for your participation, you’ll each receive a proportional amount of $75,000 worth of $AMPT, guaranteed to every user that qualifies for the Bounty and shares their results publicly.

— Instructions 👇

Simply follow the steps below to join the Program.

1. Post a new tweet 🐥

Copy this text and 💙 share it in Twitter

Proud to be a part of @AmplifyProtocol’s #DayOneDAO #airdrop #bounty on @0xPolygon chain.

Squashing bugs and earning $AMPT bags! holdex.io/x/amplify/earn-ampt-while-discovering-decentralised-governance

2. Subscribe

Subscribe with your real email address 📧 on our website’s voting page 🗳

3. Receive an email with instructions

On the 12th of November 2021, you will receive an email with detailed instructions about participation and rewards allocation.

Now, simply sit back and keep your eyes 👀 on your 📥 inbox❗️

☑️ Stay Tuned For Further Instructions!

Cheers! 🥂

Amplify Protocol

If you haven’t visited us In awhile, be sure to check out our new landing page!

👉 ampt.finance

Just tap the link and you’ll be magically transported to our new website. 🪄



Alexander CM
Amplify Protocol

Web 3 Community Leader Former Core Team Member: ▫️Zilliqa ▫️Polynetwork ▫️Amplify Protocol ▫️O3 Labs