New Website is LIVE! Launch and Listing in process..

Alexander CM
Amplify Protocol
Published in
Oct 29, 2021

Check out the redesigned Amplify Protocol website

Our New Look

Visit the newly redesigned Amplify Protocol website and see the transformation for yourself!

Screenshot of our new landing page

Full Speed Ahead

Next on the agenda is to launch the beta testing for the lending and borrowing. Then we have public sale, exchange listing, dex listing, and of course, the alpha launch of the Amplify Protocol Dapp.


We would love for you to give the new site a test run! Take a look around and see how well you think the team did with the design aspect. You can visit us on telegram 👉 to let us know how we did. Alternatively you could also email us for anonymous feedback.

Site is not optimized for mobile viewing at this time.
Mobile compatibility will be released ASAP



Alexander CM
Amplify Protocol

Web 3 Community Leader Former Core Team Member: ▫️Zilliqa ▫️Polynetwork ▫️Amplify Protocol ▫️O3 Labs