Recap of Amplify Protocol AMA with Giorgia and Anton!

Summary & Transcript of Amplify Protocol AMA

Ojeniyi Ayobami Abimbola
Amplify Protocol
11 min readSep 29, 2021


On September 21st, the Amplify Protocol team held an Ask Me Anything event in their official telegram group with special guests Giorgia (Co-founder of Amplify Protocol) and Anton (Advisory Board, Amplify Protocol, CEO Flovtec).

The event marked the first time that the team hosted an AMA event in their own Telegram group . Thousands of AMPT supporters showed up to participate in the question-answer engagement.

Venue: Amplify Community

Date: September 21, 2021

There were a healthy mix of questions from various topics and sourced from multiple platforms. It was also the first time we have seen or heard from Anton! Check out the transcript below to see what you missed!

Format of the AMA with AMPLIFY PROTOCOL



Section 1: Intro and Predetermined Questions

Section 2: Questions from Twitter

Section 3: Community Questions and Winners Announced.

150 USDT total prize pool for AMA winners.

Section 1: Intro and Predetermined Questions

Alexander: Okay guys, lets go ahead and begin, we will be muting the group for the first sections, then later we will open the floor for community questions.

Anton Golub: Hello everyone! It’s a pleasure to be part of the AMA and looking forward to a great discussion.

Alexander: Welcome Giorgia Pellizzari and Anton Golub, thank you for joining us today for this AMA with AMPT Protocol.

Let’s begin with some introductions.

Giorgia, can you tell everyone a little about yourself and your role with AMPT?

Giorgia Pellizzari: Sure thing! My name is Giorgia Pellizzari and I am a former corporate profile that went the “startup way” almost 6 years ago.

My passion for technology and building digital products led me to embrace a steep learning curve when I moved to Hong Kong and lead teams of designers and developers to launch mobile applications. We worked with great companies such as Apple and Spotify and got more and more passionate about new technologies.

Blockchain and decentralized applications were natural areas of interest for me since 2016, which led me to found Holdex, where we provided token issuers with a compliant technology to raise funds safely.

Today, besides being an active member of The Fintech Association of Hong Kong and Women in Tech Hong Kong, I help new projects become a reality and I’m incredibly excited to be a founding member for Amplify.

Alexander: Excellent Giorgia Pellizzari thank you for that. Amplify is surely grateful to have you on board. If you could just indicate ‘done’ when you have finished your responses that would be helpful.

Moving on, Anton Golub would you be so kind as to introduce yourself and how you got involved with the AMPT protocol?

Anton Golub: Greetings to the whole AMPT community! My name is Anton Golub , I’m the founder and CEO of Flovtec, a Swiss technology company providing market making solutions to digital asset exchanges, token issuers & protocols to create a liquid and efficient market.

I also co-founded Trust Square AG, a pre-eminent blockchain technology hub located in Zurich’s financial district. I co-founded Lykke Corp, a blockchain-powered exchange to trade all assets with zero fees, where I was a Chief Science Officer. Prior to Lykke, I worked as a quantitative researcher at Olsen Ltd (successor to Olsen & Associates, founded in 1985), a boutique investment firm that pioneered the field of high-frequency trading.

As a Marie Curie Research Fellow at the Alliance Manchester Business School, I worked on high-frequency trading, market microstructure and flash crashes. In 2011, I was invited to participate in the Foresight Project — The Future of Computer Trading in Financial Markets, an international project on algorithmic trading funded by HM Treasury in the UK.

I have also been involved in several research projects backed by the European Union (EU) and was in the Supervisory Board for the BigDataFinance project funded through Horizon 2020. Together with my colleagues, I have co-authored 13 academic papers and two books.

I have known Eugene, the CEO & Founder of AMPT for several years now and I was delighted when he invited me to join the Advisory Board, where I will support the project with topics around liquidity, market-making, exchange listings and scaling the project!

I’m super excited to help the team & whole community to make the project a success.

Alexander: Those areas you mentioned are vital to the success of any projects, specifically liquidity, exchange listings and of course scaling as well — so your contributions are vital.

Thanks for the intro Anton.

Giorgia Pellizzari, let’s begin with you.

Giorgia Pellizzari: Ready!

Alexander: Amplify’s community seems to love the vision of the project, why do you think that is?

Giorgia Pellizzari: I think this is because we act like a bridge between DeFi and the real world — and people feel we are connectors. Very often there is a gap between more traditional financial products and services, and the way DeFi operates.

We want DeFi to resonate more and more with the world around us and the many use cases that could benefit from it. We think our community is really in sync with this mindset and supports the obvious win-win that we are proposing with AMPT: earn high and stable interest on stablecoins and help small businesses facing their cash flow hurdles.

We think that this is very relatable and our community is with us on this — how many small business owners we may have in this very chat?!?!?!

Alexander: The support amongst the community has been incredible lately, and this extends beyond just community events, it’s also helpful in attracting partners and exchanges and various other aspects so it’s another critical part of the success. Grateful to have such a vast number of community members in Telegram and across the other socials.

Alexander- What was it about amplify that led you to agree to join the advisory board?

Anton Golub: First, I would like to say that I have huge respect for Eugene, the CEO of AMPT, the team he managed to get together with him and his track record in the business world. I had the privilege to get to know Eugene better over the last years and I am very impressed with his skills, experience and passion. He approaches building AMPT to become a successful project. Hence, from a personal perspective it was clear to help him & support AMPT in the next phase of growth. Secondly, as Georgia mentioned, supporting SME & small businesses with liquidity, while opening up the financing industry to a wider community is a very worthwhile goal that has a clear business case & proposition in our industry. The gap between the new world (decentralized finance) and traditional finance has to be closed, and AMPT has the opportunity to be a strong ecosystem player in the development of that vision.

I look forward to seeing the next steps & success of the team.

Alexander: Eugene is an excellent leader indeed. He has been a great mentor to me as well and his experience is unparalleled. It’s very enriching working with him everyday. Grateful to have him with us of course. Giorgia and Anton as well. Thanks for that.

Moving on to Giorgia.

Alexander: Why is the traditional financial world not catering for the same customers as Amplify?

Giorgia: Great question. This answer is as simple as it is unsurprising: because it is not profitable for them. Instead of figuring out a way — through digitalization and innovation — to cater for a larger number of customers, very often financial institutions put small businesses through long, inefficient processes that very often result in rejections. We believe they could cater for this type of clients but they just prefer to stick with the big ones — easier and more money to be made there. As sad as this is, it is fine for us because it gives us a reason for driving Amplify forward with all we got!

Alexander: Yes I have spoken with many small business owners and the troubles they experience with the centralized financial institutions is always a frequent topic. A solution is very much needed there.

Alexander: let’s travel into the future and imagine DeFi, say, 1 year from now: what will we see?

Anton: Decentralized applications are the future of finance and will completely reshape how we conduct business! The key innovation of the blockchain industry is the open, transparent, free and inclusive environment where small & medium sized businesses have the same quality, scope and scale of services that are today typically reserved for mega corporations, banks and extremely wealthy people.

The future I see — and imagine — is the one, where every individual or business has the ability & ease to rapidly grow, scale and accelerate their business, execute their ideas and vision with ease, all while paying very low fees and having ample liquidity. AMPT has the potential to be a key stakeholder & player in that future and I’m extremely excited to see DeFi applications — like AMPT — being accessible to everyone around the world. The future is bright and I’m extremely happy to be a part of it — onwards and upwards!

Alexander: The future is bright for sure and we are still at a very early stage with incredible growth ahead, without a doubt. Thanks Anton.

That concludes the first section.

Next, we gathered some questions from our twitter post on the event. If we choose your question, you will be contacted via DM on twitter to get your payment address so that you can receive your portion of the 150 USDT prize pool.

So let’s begin!!!

Section 2: Questions from Twitter

@xrypton1te asked; is this the first platform that introduces real world assets into the defi ecosystem?

Giorgia: I would say: most likely not. But you know what? It doesn’t matter that much. This space is still so young and there is so much room for innovation, tokenization of a wide range of assets and variation of decentralized versions of so many use cases. We don’t even realize how privileged we all are in a way to be in this space and witness this evolution of finance so closely. This is why we don’t worry so much about being first and the only one — the more the merrier as long as real value is generated for the users!

@lilsulung asked; for liquidity providers, will there be benefits in the future, such as community airdrops for liquidity providers and others?

Anton: When projects launch their DeFi platform or issue their token, one of the first learning experiences is that liquidity is the lifeblood of the new, decentralized financial world!

Every project needs liquidity and it needs a lot of it — the more the better. Projects that manage to motivate & galvanize a wide community to contribute to liquidity provision are the ones that have a higher & better chance of being a success.

The management of Amplify Protocol has a lot of experience in the blockchain industry, and I work constantly with Eugene, the CEO of AMPT, to find the best ways to enable rapid growth of liquidity for the project. It is clear AMPT will need the support of it’s community to provide liquidity and there have to be the right incentives, both to add liquidity and to be a stakeholder for Amplify Protocol’s token. I look forward to the exciting developments Amplify Protocol has in mind for the community, that will help this project scale liquidity very rapidly and efficiently. Be on a look-out for the exciting news ahead!

Alexander: Okay moving on to the last section.

We will open up the floor for questions and select a few to respond and receive a portion of the 150 prize pool.

Section 3: Community Questions and Winners Announced

Wesley CSE (@cselivings): I want to support your project. Tell us more about the Ambassador Program and in what ways can we participate?

Giorgia: Thank you for asking this question! Yes we have a program and yes we want everybody that believes in what we do to work with us. It won’t be volunteering, of course. You will get paid and get an opportunity to work on truly innovative stuff! Reach out to us via our social channels and tell us what you are good at — we will do our best to find a spot for you!

Alexander: Congrats Wesley! you’re among the winners, please be ready for DM from me after the event.

Alex Milaer (@alextsiling): Is Amplify in contact with venture capital firms in order to fund amplify and help with marketing awareness, if not what are your plans with funding your project?

Anton: AMPT team has a lot of experience in both traditional & blockchain industry and they are in discussions with key players & investors in order to get the right stakeholders involved.

Likewise, the advisory board as well makes relevant introductions to Eugene so he can evaluate what is the right fit for AMPT’s success. As the project grows, the interest of investors increases and prepares it for a financing round, both on equity & token side.

Alexander: Anton Golub thanks for that.Congrats Alex, i’ll dm you directly after the event to get your address! Giorgia Pellizzari, one last question to select.

Ariana (@arianahifi): Do you have AUDIT certificates, or are you working to AUDIT your project, to make it more secure and reliable???

Giorgia: Of course, an audit is a must!. I have two points to say regarding security and hacks though: first — you never know if the hacker had any inside information. And the second — run an audit with a solid and reputable cybersecurity specialist.

In other words, we mitigate the risk by taking cybersecurity seriously. Including completing audits of our software by third parties whose sole responsibility is to detect and report smart-contracts vulnerabilities.

And by the way, for the bug hunting enthusiasts, we have a bounty program. If you are a bug hunter — reach out directly and we will share the details.

Alexander: Audits are on the way guys! we guarantee it! Group has been unmuted. I’ll reach out in just a moment to retrieve your address.

Giorgia: What an awesome AMA — great questions overall!

Alexander: Thank you to Anton Golub and Giorgia Pellizzari for spending the last hour with us all, and of course thanks to the community for participation.

Giorgia: So delighted to hang out here. Thanks to our great community — we wouldn’t be where we are without you!

Alexander: Winners, congrats to you!! I will be reaching out right now on telegram and twitter to get your information so we can get those rewards sent over.

We will post the transaction IDs in the chat so that there is transparency, and to make sure everyone receives their rewards!

wooot woot!!! thanks ALL.


It is assuring to know that the Amplify Protocol has been able to attract talents from different industries and all walks of life. The relation between the co-founders, team, advisors and the community is cordial. The project use case is going to bring DeFi closer to several thousands of small scale businesses in the next few years. The AMA session addressed important issues like DeFi security, liquidity and future adoption of Amplify Protocol.







Ojeniyi Ayobami Abimbola
Amplify Protocol

Blockchain content creator, full-time cryptocurrency trader and author of ‘Remote Crypto Job Is Waiting for You.’ Social Media Director at Althash University.