Tutorial: Connecting your Metamask Mobile wallet to Polygon mainnet.

Alexander CM
Amplify Protocol
Published in
Nov 2, 2021

In this tutorial guide: We’ll instruct you on how to connect your Metamask Mobile Wallet to the ultra-fast Layer 2 Polygon mainnet.

Let’s begin!

1. Open the Metamask App.
2. Select the Hamburger Menu icon.
3. Select the ‘Settings’ tab from the left side menu options
4. Choose the ‘Networks’ tab from the list of menu options
5. Select ‘Add Network’ at the bottom of the network options.
6. To connect to the Polygon (Matic) Network

Enter Network name:

  • Polygon

Enter New RPC URL:

  • https://rpc-mainnet.maticvigil.com/

Enter Chain ID:

  • 137

Enter Currency symbol:


Enter Block Explorer URL:

  • https://explorer.matic.network/
Tap ‘Add’ after you have filled in the Polygon Network information
7. Tap the Network Options at the top of your wallet.
8. Choose Polygon from the list of network options.

The wallet will connect to Polygon mainnet.

Congrats! 🎉 You’re Connected!

Return to the Amplify Protocol app to continue..



Alexander CM
Amplify Protocol

Web 3 Community Leader Former Core Team Member: ▫️Zilliqa ▫️Polynetwork ▫️Amplify Protocol ▫️O3 Labs