Constellations of Imperfection

Adrian Parrish
Published in
1 min readApr 12, 2018

We are masters of the slow burn

But we don’t burn out

We don’t sell out

We don’t let up

We won’t accept your shoddy answers

Or misplaced questions

We will challenge your presuppositions

And uncover prejudices we didn’t know we had

We won’t give in

When the answer’s not easy

We are streams of consciousness flowing

Through deserts of curiosity

Blank canvases of sand

Under an open sky

Ripe for the prismatic colors

The refraction of sunset

We are constellations of imperfection

Shining, straining, penetrating the darkness

A struggling good deed

Glowing through a weary world

We seek to listen, to understand,

To process, and explain

We deal in truth

Served up with sardonic wit

Wrapped in beauty

With an eye out for a beholder

Respect & courage are our hook and lure

Trust our safety net

We’ve learned the questions

Are just as important as the answers

And talk must be answered with action

Action must be tempered with the humane

And occasionally the profane

We love fiercely

We believe resolutely

We doubt readily

We are constellations of imperfection

Shining, straining, penetrating the darkness

Even though the darkness has the longevity

We wholly believe that the light will win



Adrian Parrish

I write my delusions because I don't know what else to do with them. Check out my other work at