Stanzas & Superheroes

Adrian Parrish
Published in
1 min readMar 18, 2018

No one writes poetry

About Iron Man

Or Spider-man or even Wonder Woman

Like somewhere along the way

All of the artist held a forum to

Decide that was not a subject fit

For metered verse

That the comic could never

Become the couplet

Subsequently no one is fighting

Over the movie rights

Of Byron or Shelley or Frost

So we’ll probably never see

A summer blockbuster with

3D affects of two roads diverging

In a yellow wood

Instead the poets will continue

Talking about how blue the sky is

Or the smell of leaves after the rain

And how damn nice it feels to

Fall in love

Except when it doesn’t

On and on until

The world comes to an end

And even then they’ll come up

With a clever verse about it

It’s as if that asshole

Who once said

“A picture is worth a thousand words”

Mistakenly said it to a poet

And centuries of pissed off poets

Have worked tirelessly to

Prove them wrong



Adrian Parrish

I write my delusions because I don't know what else to do with them. Check out my other work at