Hello world!

Amruth Pillai
Amruth Pillai
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2016

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

I’ve installed WordPress a number of times, and everytime I open up the front page, I am greeted with the default ‘Hello, World!’ post you see above. Now when I try to read it out loud, it almost seems as if it is mocking me.

The first post in a blog is always the hardest, mainly cause you’d never know what it should be about. You want to be able to greet everyone and ask everyone to stay subscribed to what you post, but you also don’t want to make it clichéd. You want to be able to tell everyone what you’re going to be posting on the blog, but only time will tell if you’re actually going to follow it. Everyone dreams of writing diaries every single day, but only when they begin they start to realize, their ‘every day’ isn’t all that interesting.

I’d love to say this blog is going to be all that and more, a place for me to showcase my writing, a place for me to journal my days on a public platform, a place where I can post something without the constant fear of crossing 140 characters. But we all know how such promises go down the drain.

Instead, I’m going to let this blog be what it can be. It could be a photography blog, it could be a travelogue, it could be a diary… heck, it could be an engineer or even a doctor if it wanted to. I’ll allow it. All kidding aside, this post is just to welcome you all to what I call a place on the internet that’s my very own. When real estate in Bangalore is just going off the charts, it’s thoughtful to have a place non physical for a change.

Many of you really supported me on the creation of this blog and wanted to see me write more and more. A lot more of you just complained about how much I write, or how much I keep taking photos of things (yes teachers, I’m looking at you!). This blog is for both those kinds of people, and I’d be more than honored if you ever choose to read one of my posts here and get back to me. Cause ask any writer out there,… there’s no greater happiness than a random stranger coming up to you and talking to you about your subject content.

I’m looking forward to this journey as much as you are… Wish me luck! :)



Amruth Pillai
Amruth Pillai

I am yet another wannabe photographer, graphic designer, writer, developer and VTU engineer. That last one was enough for you to feel sorry for me.