Mitzi László on making (health) data as your currency

Founder of Innit foundation, that let’s people own their own data and analytics. László is an Amsterdam based Neurosciencist turned social entrepreneur.

♠Milan van den Bovenkamp♥
2 min readMar 23, 2017


Previously a neuroscientist for a Brazilian epidemiology study, funded by the Wellcome Trust, designing experiments looking into motivation in health behaviours. László graduated from King’s College London with a BSc in Neuroscience and from IE Business School with a Masters.

We invited Mitzi László to speak at our conference because she is a true driving force here in Amsterdam, making the world smarter, healthy and safe.

Mitzi László is an amazingly active entrepreneur, among many other achievements and initiatives she is the Founder of the the King’s College London Neuroscience Society providing a platform for neuroscience students with cheap access to high-profile neuroscience events.

Advising Europe
Since 2 years Mitzi advises the European commission as an strategic expert on financing innovation. She is confident that positive change should happen in the health and care markets in Europe. To turn ideas into reality — turning the lab into a breading ground for great ideas and to import great ideas in the world in to the lab.

According to Mitzi the future is circulair, it’s about finding a balance between financial and social incentives. Her talk at our conference will be about that future, and how she contributes to ‘building bridges’ in health care and data, and how you can potentially help.

Your personal (health) data as a currency

She founded the Innit Foundations, their mission as neuroscientists was to design experiments looking into decision making around the big four health behaviours; moving, eating, drinking, smoking.

They provide users with GDPR compliant digital tools for personal data handling. A digital plumbing revolution where people can practically own, store and use their own data.

Mitzi László spoke on futurism, a better world through innovation in data and healthcare!

Mitzi talked in the futurism topic, although there’s lots of overlap with ‘building businesses’ and ‘social impact’. You can’t a ticket for an event in the past but you can join our community.



♠Milan van den Bovenkamp♥

Initiator by Trade 🤙 I just CAN’T STOP STARTING things🚀— Design; Community, Games & Tech @Online_Kicking ♠️ — Plays Ultimate Frisbee ⚪️ 🌏