Warrior Roebyem Anders fights indifference and runs an international solar operation

You probably heard about this global warming thing which is not cool, not cool at all, but it is happening.

♠Milan van den Bovenkamp♥
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2017


Roebyem is making the ‘rooftop revolution’ possible. No roof should be without solar panels. For more than twenty years Anders has been working in the renewable energy industry and for the last ten years specifically in solar energy.

The fossil fuel industry is over, they lost, they are total losers

When the solar warrior was born 1 KwH costed 90 euro’s and now it costs 50 eurocent. That’s what you would call free market economics! Consumers in many countries choose solar because:

  • it’s cheaper,
  • you can actually earn money,
  • and people like to be more independent as well.

The company she co-founded, Zonline, which distributed complete solar roof systems was acquired in 2014. Not particularly an overnight (or daytime) success, after 4 years of setting up brilliant partnerships, going live on national television only to find out your rabbit chewed through the cables of the computer where all leads were stored. What … a … story! You know, life happened and entrepreneurship is about ups and downs.

She told you all about that on stage at the 31st of March 2017 because she was our fifth confirmed speaker for our ❌❌❌ conference!

You can easily call her an activist turned entrepreneur, although she personally is still very active in discussions and debates about the transition to sustainable energy.

Next to focused entrepreneuring she does some side projects. For example to make sure that half of all the school roofs are covered in solar panels in 2020 with schooldakrevolutie.nl, since she thinks (we as well) that this is a great way to educate our children.

She wanted to get into politics as the first environmental minister, but after some internships she found out that was not for her. On the other side, she is also not really a hippy, she just likes organising things and hands on fighting for a great cause.

Photo: Martin Dijkstra

Sungevity, which acquired her company, is the third biggest solar panel distributor in the US. Now Roebyem Anders is Vice President Europe of Sungevity, that’s what you call a power woman!

With more than 80 people in Amsterdam she works on her dream, her revolution!

“You get kicked in the face a lot, but if you stay focused and stay strong you can do anything. There’s just only hustling in entrepreneuring, you have to do a lot, and repeat. Find out what you’re good at and go do it! As an individual and eventually as a company”

By all means Anders is different from anyone, a real one of a kind gem and she is a driving force not the be ignored. That is why we invited her to speak at our upcoming conference.

To quote my documentary film maker friends we as entrepreneurs share a story of hope We are here to fix the world and make money.

Join many others in the AMSxTech community and get your event ticket (no that’s done, see you next year) to see Anders speak ❌❌❌.

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♠Milan van den Bovenkamp♥

Initiator by Trade 🤙 I just CAN’T STOP STARTING things🚀— Design; Community, Games & Tech @Online_Kicking ♠️ — Plays Ultimate Frisbee ⚪️ 🌏