$AMU: The Amulet Governance Token

Amulet Team
Amulet Protocol
Published in
4 min readJan 17, 2024

Amulet is excited to announce the upcoming launch of the $AMU governance token in Q1 of 2024, a pivotal moment in placing the power of decision-making and the trajectory of Amulet directly into the hands of our vibrant community. $AMU will be a utility token at launch, with governance functions after Formal Launch.

This blog post serves as your compass to navigate the utility and significance of $AMU tokens in steering the governance of the Amulet. As we embark on this exciting chapter, we invite you to delve into the intricacies of $AMU and join us in shaping the future of Amulet through decentralized governance.


The launch of $AMU empowers token holders to actively participate in critical decisions that will mold the trajectory of Amulet. This engagement ensures that Amulet continues its evolution, thriving in harmony with the preferences and requirements of its community. Long-term holders will be able to enjoy certain features and benefits such as:

  • Voting Rights: $AMU empowers holders to actively participate in the decision-making process. By holding and locking $AMU into veAMULET, users gain voting power to influence upgrades, propose new product features, and voice opinions on critical governance matters. The entire process is transparent, with all votes recorded on the blockchain for public scrutiny.
  • Voting Rewards: Users who stake $AMU to participate in governance would receive $AMU rewards for their participation
  • Voting Power: Lock $AMU for longer periods for more voting power in the form of veAMULET. Sustain voting power and rewards through continuous engagement.
  • Community Alignment: Aligning the interests of $AMU holders with the long-term success and development of the protocol through prudent treasuring utilization with sustainable rewards distribution.


Enjoy certain planned $AMU privileges as long-term and engaged platform users such as:

Farm Rewards: Amulet incentivizes user adoption through farm rewards. By actively participating in the platform, users can earn rewards, creating a symbiotic relationship between the protocol and its community.

Boosted Farm Rewards: The introduction of the veAMULET and gauge system takes incentives a step further. Users locking their $AMU for extended periods enjoy boosted farm rewards, providing an additional layer of benefits for committed stakeholders.

Governance Rewards: Active participation in governance is rewarded. Those who contribute to shaping the protocol’s future receive incentives, creating a feedback loop that encourages community involvement.

Additional Revenue-Sharing Programs: $AMU recognizes the value of long-term and engaged users. As a token holder, you may benefit from additional revenue-sharing programs, further enhancing the overall value proposition.


The $AMU token will have an initial supply of 1,000,000,000 $AMU, with the breakdown as follows

Amulet tokens ($AMU) are allocated across the following main categories:

Protocol and Risk Fund

20% — 200,000,000

The tokens in this fund will be used to supply the Amulet Safety Fund. The Amulet Safety Fund (ASF) is a dedicated reserve within the Amulet protocol, encompassing 20% of the total supply of 1 billion $AMU tokens. This fund serves as a strategic initiative to fortify the financial protection and risk management mechanisms within the Amulet ecosystem.

As the Amulet ecosystem evolves, plans include unlocking user access to protection fees for actively contributing to the safety and protection of their assets through the AmuShield.

Business & Community Incentives

25% — 250,000,000

In our commitment to fostering a vibrant and engaged community, we have earmarked a substantial portion of $AMU tokens, amounting to 250 million, for business and community incentives. This allocation serves as a strategic reservoir to drive essential initiatives that enhance both the protocol’s utility and the active involvement of our community members.

We recognize the pivotal role our community plays in the success of Amulet. Community airdrops will be conducted as a token of appreciation for the ongoing support and contribution of our dedicated community members.

Beyond community-centric initiatives, a portion of the allocation will be strategically employed for business development. This includes partnerships, collaborations, and initiatives aimed at expanding the reach and impact of the Amulet ecosystem in the broader blockchain space.

For detailed distribution details, please refer here: https://docs.amulet.org/amulet-v2/ecosystem-development/tokenomics

Yours Truly,
The Amulet Team

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What is Amulet Protocol?

Amulet Protocol is the first yield protocol with built-protection. Our platform offers a unique blend of enhanced yield strategies, transparent risk profiles, and parametric protections, ensuring users experience risk-adjusted yields within a secure and innovative environment.



Amulet Team
Amulet Protocol

The team behind the first yield protocol with built-in protection. https://amulet.org/