SOLI SIP1 — Orca Integration + Rebalancing Date Change

Tyler Koch
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2022

This is a governance proposal for 2 proposed changes:

  • Add Orca DEX integration (excluding whirlpool pools)
  • Change rebalancing date to the 1st business day of each month (currently 1st calendar day)

Add Orca DEX integration

We have identified Orca as the next DEX we wish to integrate for SOLI. Orca is leading DEX in the Solana ecosystem and will serve as an additional source of liquidity for potential constituents. Please note that we will be excluding whirlpool pools for this integration.

Change rebalancing date

SOLI’s current rebalancing takes place on the 1st calendar day of each month. This proposal aims to change the monthly rebalancing date to the 1st business day of each month. In ensuring that the rebalancing will happen on a business day, the entire team’s attention can be rapidly alerted if there are any issues with the rebalancing process.

The snapshot was taken May 16th at 4pm UTC. The vote will be open from Monday, May 16th at 4pm UTC and end Thursday, May 19th at 4pm UTC. Link here.

If the proposal is passed:

Orca will be integrated as an additional DEX for future rebalancings.

Monthly rebalancing will now occur on the 1st business day of each month.

Proposal voting instructions

In order to vote on the given proposal, you must have had SOLI tokens in your wallet at on May 16th 4pm UTC.

  1. Go to the SOLI Mango markets page
  2. Click on “Connect wallet” button in the top right corner
  3. Connect with wallet provider where you hold SOLI
  4. Under “Your Account,” deposit the SOLI you wish to vote with (NOTE — THIS WILL LOCK YOUR SOLI FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROPOSAL)
  5. Click on the option you want to vote for
  6. Sign the message via your wallet and done

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us on Discord, Twitter, or Telegram.

Proposal: Snapshot

