Vote in Our First PECO Improvement Proposals (PIPs)

Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2021

First off, we would like to thank our community for supporting PECO and giving the Amun team valuable feedback over the last few weeks! As an ongoing process to improve our product for our users we have two PECO Improvement Proposals (PIP). Voting is open now for the next 3 days for PIP1 and 7 days for PIP2.

In order to vote on the given proposal, you need to have had a sufficient amount of tokens at the time when the block was created. This means that if you attempt to vote on a proposal where the block number configured is in the past, and you were not holding the required token back then, your vote will not be counted.

  1. Go to the PECO snapshot page
  2. Click on “Connect wallet” button in the top right corner
  3. Connect with wallet provider where you hold PECO
  4. Click on the option you want to vote for
  5. Sign the message via your wallet and done

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us on Discord, Twitter, or Telegram.



How to Vote:

PIP1: Adding SushiSwap as DEX for index inclusion

This is a governance vote to add SushiSwap to expand index inclusion on more DEXs to better represent the Polygon Ecosystem.

  • Yes: Add SushiSwap
  • No: Do not add SushiSwap

PIP2: PECO whitelist filter process for auto rebalancing

This is a governance proposal to automate the rebalancing process of PECO to a pre-filtered whitelist of Polygon Native Ecosystem tokens before they undergo the PECO methodology criteria filter. The intention is to remove as much bias as possible in index selection and use the best available data for index construction. We would like to offer the community a product built as objectively and transparently as possible, this proposal outlines how index constituents will be selected. The process proposed is the following:

Step 1

Extract the entire Polygon project list on Defilama — this is to cross check and confirm the project exists and has launched on polygon with tangible TVL.Tokens which do not pass data quality checks will be blacklisted and removed. We recognize that this requires us to heavily rely on third party data but it is of our opinion that Defilama provides the most comprehensive and high quality of data available on the market at the moment.

Step 2:

Select tokens with Polygon as order 1 for TVL- this is to ascertain Polygon network dominance when compared to other chains and their value accrual is attributed to the Polygon network.

Step 3:

Remove any “Rebase Tokens” as defined by CoinGecko

Step 4:

Index methodology criteria will be applied to DFYN, Quickswap and SushiSwap for single pools with greatest Total Token liquidity of greater than $3M (Accounting only for the single sided pair, i.e. Total Pool amount of $6M). The liquidity requirement is to ensure that PECO is minted or swapped with a proportional affect in terms of price impact and slippage.

Step 5:

Data for auto rebalancing will be obtained from:

  • Market Cap: where Circulating market cap = price of token x circulating tokens
  • Liquidity: will be selected from the single highest pool across the DEXs using the 1 month historic average

Step 6:

Take the top ten tokens off the remaining list for the selection of constituents

Methodology Limitations

  • Depending on Defi Lama as a comprehensive source of Polygon network projects
  • Relying on data quality from DefiLama and CoinGecko
  • The difficulty of identifying and capturing gaming and NFT projects without TVL

Yes: Apply whitelist filter process for selecting constituents for PECO for auto rebalancing

No: Use another method

