Amuse ready to evolve the music industry — on-board as co-founder

Diego Farias
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2017 and Diego Farias, CEO of Amuse

It’s no news that the past 10 years have seen a fundamental change in music consumption. We have transitioned into a new digital landscape where direct access to mobile music is something the listener is used to and expects. And as listeners’ expectations have changed, the pressure on the music industry to change and adapt has naturally increased.

This is where Amuse comes in as the world’s first mobile record company. A record company that empowers musicians around the world and embraces today’s technology. All with the purpose of making more music available to more listeners.

We now have the great pleasure of presenting the creative innovator, entrepreneur, seven-time Grammy Awards winner and Black Eyed Peas group member,, as the new co-founder of Amuse. has extended experience within the world of artistry and an exceptional understanding of the business surrounding the music industry and the changes it requires

The Amuse platform has been live since March and we currently have around 15,000 artists publishing their music on our app. With on board, we hope to further speed up the progress and increase the value we give to the artists we choose to sign.

For any newcomers wondering what Amuse actually does, our story is as follows. We offer anyone the possibility to, through our app, publish their music on all the leading music services. Free of charge and with full transparency of all data from the platforms. The catch? There is none. Our business is to analyse the data received, find the artists we believe will make it and approach them with a deal.

When we sign an artist, we do it our own way. We don’t believe in buying music rights — every artist should own their own music. Instead, we want to form a partnership that benefits both parties. We want to reinvent the relationship between the label and the artist. And make it equal.

With we can offer a new level of partnership. With his extensive knowledge and expertise, we can offer signed artists a higher value and help them advance. We know that the industry changes on a daily basis, so we need to be fast moving and quickly adapt to both the possibilities and the challenges that comes with change. And we need to do it together with our artists and their fans.

Whilst the record industry’s development is uncertain, the fact that it needs to step up its game is evident. We need to adapt and embrace all the possibilities that come with new technology. We need to realize that new music consumption habits are equal to new opportunities.

Amuse bridges this gap and enables the music industry to evolve. And we are both thrilled and humble that agrees with us.

Now, let’s get started.




Diego Farias
Editor for

CEO of the worlds first mobile record label. By using the technology of today we are shaping the music industry of tomorrow.