
Secondhand damage

Ravyne Hawke
Amusing Responses
Published in
Jan 8, 2023


Photo by Jonas Frey on Unsplash

Your anger exploded again — fireworks
but not the celebratorily kind
What’s to celebrate when you rage?

Your fury disrupted the calm quiet
built-up over months —
Why can’t you control your temper?

I know you do not aim rockets at me
but when that red, blind energy disperses
it radiates throughout our home
slams into my heart chakra
and emblazes my soul —
You don’t know the damage you do
or the fires I must put out to survive
For if you did, would that tame your wrath?
I don’t think so

©2023 Lori Carlson. All rights reserved.

In response to Christine Graves’s January Word-A-Day prompts — Fireworks and Quiet



Ravyne Hawke
Amusing Responses

Writing Coach, Poet, Fiction Writer, Essayist, Artist, Dreamer | “Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the Ocean” ~Thich Nhat Hanh