Muldovian Moon Flower

Late bloomer

Star Love Grey
Amusing Responses


Image: Star Love Grey (Made on Canva)

Taking a walk tonight, I spotted something I’d never noticed before. Odd, I thought, I hadn’t noticed it before. No, wait… yes, I have noticed that before, but it was just ground cover where this strange plant was now growing and even blooming. What ground cover blooms at night? More precisely, what ground cover grows so tall? It’s called ‘ground cover’ for a reason instead of a tree. It must have been planted earlier today because this ‘plant’ with its bright red petals had to be about ten feet high.

I circled this strange plant and looked around to see if anybody else was around so I could ask them about it. I wanted to touch the beautiful red petals, but I was afraid to because I’d never seen such a plant before. Was it poisonous?

I realized when humans see something strange, unusual or beautiful, we tend to believe it must be harmful. Then I giggled to myself… that’s because it usually is! The most beautiful snakes are usually the deadly ones. It’s nature’s way to attract and ensnare.

I decided to walk away but snapped a few pictures of it with my iPhone. I’ll Google it when I get home to figure out what the hell it is. It was getting colder now, anyway, so I turned and started walking away.

“Don’t go,” I thought I heard it say.



Star Love Grey
Amusing Responses

I am the opened Pandora’s Box. Actress/Singer/Dancer, Writer, Poet. I’ll write any genre if it holds still long enough. Other boring stuff, but I’ll run out of