Poetic Vision of Purple

Visual Prompt Poetry


Image created by the author jules - Miz Mindful with Canva Pro

royal powered grace
poetic side of purple
mandala edges
color hues boldly align
red and blue variations

blending emotions
poetic symbols enter
mystic magic realm
igniting creative flame
imagination sparkles

wave the vision wand
coloring your world brightly
lavender softness
hugs mysterious insight
purple majestic landscapes

color wheels turning
surging waves of emotion,
mountains kiss the clouds
glide over the sands of time
poetic flights of fancy

jules - Miz Mindful 2023

Image and tanka inspired by Christine Graves’ vision prompt. Visions-
A set of images to spark your imaginations — The Poetic side of purple.



jules - Miz Mindful
Amusing Responses

Juggler of words as Miz Mindful -- editor Creations Over Coffee, artist, writer, Mindset Coach, Owner Mindful Expressions, Canvassador, - but call me jules!