Taste of Bodystorming

Amy Lee Evans
Amy & Sophie Strategic
2 min readJun 22, 2018

Have you ever sat at your desk trying to solve a problem, but hit a wall? Bodystorming might be just the answer to your roadblock. What is bodystorming? It is a creative tool to help you break through a mental block. It gets you away from the computer. It gets you interacting with other people. It’s improv done by acting through a scene to reveal ideas and solutions. By interacting with others through conversations, movement, a scene is acted out. New ideas emerge. It can feel silly. And from this playful exercise you get some fresh ideas.

Recently, I led a bodystorming session at UXCamp NYC. Twenty people signed up for the workshop.

The bodystorming teams acted out these familiar scenes:

  • Finding a home to buy or rent
  • Checking into a hotel
  • Navigating the subway system
Bodystorming teams act through a service scenario and produce some big surprises!

What we learned?

  • Human interaction is fluid, yet nuanced
  • Play leads to surprises and new ideas
  • In the land of “yes” where anything goes, sky is the limit

To learn more about bodystorming, take a look at the workshop slides.

Thanks for stopping by.

