The Sexism I Have to Deal With In Class

an amygdala
An Amygdala
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2021


I was sitting in one of my graduate Data Science classes, trying to understand the new topics the male professor presented, when a new slide popped on the screen as part of his lecture presentation.

It was a cropped image of Lenna. The original is a full length nude image from Playboy. Lenna’s image has been used widely in the engineering field for testing and other purposes. Of course a bunch of misogynistic, sexist tech bros decided this was a great idea. Of course this went unchecked, and this is still going largely unchecked.

So- I’m sitting in this class that I’m paying 3,000 dollars for, and I’m thinking- do any of my male peers have to watch their gender objectified so the professor can make some technical point that could easily have been made by using another image?

If you’re wondering- yes, I’m going to report him.

This is now some of that extra labor I have to take on as a feminist as I not only work on growing my own career in tech but also try to clean up the misogynistic shit I step in along the way.

Note: If you think I’m being sensitive, you’re right- I am sensitive to sexism and misogyny. I don’t need to change. You do. You should be more sensitive.

Leave me some troll trash and expect a future roasting. It will be behind the paywall. I don’t work for free.



an amygdala
An Amygdala

You Are Your Own, a curated collection of my feminist poems is available on Amazon & Free via Kindle Select: