Schedules, routines and rituals get me through the day

Garret Mathews
An Aspie comes out of the closet
3 min readMar 17, 2017

I know what some of you are thinking. When is this blogger guy going to plumb the depths of his own Aspie-ness?


I shave every third day.

I shower at least twice a day. (Don’t even think of asking me to go camping.) The last time is before bed. I have no shot at sleep if I’m dirty, or if it’s been more than 72 hours since de-whiskering.

I have zero mechanical aptitude and have never fixed a thing.

I don’t like getting up before 9 a.m. and plan my day accordingly. My wife MaryAnne, who is a saint, assumes all early-morning household duties.

I have never used an ATM. Early in the week I get a check cashed at the bank and it’s always for the same amount.

A few days ago, MaryAnne showed me how to send a text. I’ve forgotten.

My Aspie-itis is in full bloom when it comes to exercise. I walk two miles with the dog in the morning, eat lunch and pace another two. No less. No more. If the weather is bad, I go to an indoor facility where I spend 30 minutes — no less, no more — on one of the various fitness machines. In the afternoon, I return to the facility to lift weights for 20 minutes.

I can say with some conviction that I do all this to maintain weight. Indeed, a sudden weight loss at the end of 2016 (Wanna shed pounds? Forget the fish diet. Have your prostate removed) has me down to 204 — the lowest since the early ’80s. But the walking and lifting is also a way to get a hefty dose of by-myself time.

The last time I wore a suit was in 2005 when our oldest son got married. If there’s an event that requires this sort of attire, I won’t be there.

I possess two pairs of footwear — running shoes and winter boots. See above if there’s an event that requires me to be better shod.

I could probably stuff all the clothes I own into three Hefty bags. I’d rather take a beating than go shopping.

I am much more comfortable around children than most adults, and I guess it shows. When I pick up our grandkids at day care, the other toddlers come up to me like I’m Santa Claus. At the museum the other day, a stranger of a 3-year-old asked me to come to her birthday party.

Back to the weight thing. I strip naked every morning and step on the scales. If I’m more than 1 and one-half pounds too heavy, I’ll eat only Subway sandwiches for the day. If the weight is unchanged the following morning, I’ll make myself run four miles.

I have no shot at sleep if there are dirty dishes in the sink, or if I have clothes that need to be washed, or if I haven’t emptied the trash.

When I sit on the toilet to take a dump, the tops of my shoes must be on a straight line from each other.

I bite my fingernails until they bleed, but you probably wouldn’t notice because I’m really good at curling my fingertips under my knuckles.



Garret Mathews
An Aspie comes out of the closet

Retired columnist. Author of several books and plays. Husband, grandfather, and newly minted Aspie.