Improving Your Relationship With Money (Delegate Your Dollars!)

Jacinda Estelle
An Author’s Business
3 min readJun 4, 2021

Every dollar needs an assignment.

Image from Pixabay

No matter what profession you are in, we could all improve our relationship with money. Living paycheck-to-paycheck has come to such a norm for most people that they are led to believe that is the only way to live. I refuse to think that I am going to die paying my bills on a monthly basis. My debt-free goals will make it possible to pay my ongoing bills (utilities, property taxes, service providers, etc.) annually. I did not mention other bills like auto and mortgage payments because I moved out of my house into an apartment and my car will be paid off within a year.

Keeping Track

Stop allowing your money to come in and out of your bank account as it pleases without you keeping track. Money is not looked after properly, it will do as it pleases because it does not have a purpose in your life. How can you plan for traveling if you keep getting broke within one week? How can you plan for emergencies, if you cannot figure out where your money goes?

Every dollar needs an assignment.

The key phrase above makes a strong suggestion that money needs a purpose. I took the time to sit down because I decided that my dollars were going to do what I tell them to do. So I came up with my financial vision. I took a pen and paper and drew boxes that each had a name above it and I put the amount that I want inside. With my thoughts on paper, I can now see my plan and decide what I need to do to make it happen.

Photo by Jacinda Estelle

You Are In Charge

If you started a business but do not have any money to market your business, then you need to create a budget and decide how much you are going to put in it.

If you want money to go towards investments then you control how much you need to put towards that.

You are in charge and you can set your finances in place to where you are set for life. Stop letting money run rampant. If you become discipline then your money will be trained to go where it needs to go and build wealth. Take charge!

Avoid Talking Defeat!

It is unfortunate people think they cannot build wealth because they are filled with anxiety when they hear about investing. They look at the risk and want no part of it. But depending on one job, retirement and social security are all risky. We will never know what the future holds, so just that thought alone pushes me to seek financial knowledge and learn how to make my money work properly.

Money Needs A Responsible Owner

“I never have any money.” This comment is so popular that I pray that people will stop saying that. While it may be true for some people, it still does not have to be their ultimatum. If you are lacking in finances then indulge in creativity because whether you look online or offline, they are an enormous amount of ways to get your income up.

Stop claiming defeat and speaking ill of your relationship with money. It is a tool that we need to use, so it should be a priority to learn how to control it wisely.

I tell people, “Money does not stay with bad managers. If you are terrible with money, then it will not stay with you long because it does not tolerate abuse!

Be a good manager of your finances. Assign every dollar you make and put it in its appropriate place.

When you take charge of your money then there is no room for greed or frivolous spending because you have given each dollar a task (like putting money aside for emergency funds, investments, travel, business expenses)

Money needs an assignment. Are you ready to delegate your dollars?



Jacinda Estelle
An Author’s Business

A passionate author and author coach who empowers other busy professionals to write their stories and get it published. She is a mom and loves traveling