New Discovery: Invisible shield discovered 7200 miles above Earth that protects us from ‘killer electrons’

Todd Rawlings
An Earth Worth Saving
2 min readDec 2, 2014

Source: University of Colorado Boulder and

A team of scientists led by Distinguished Professor Daniel Baker (director of Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at UC Boulder) has discovered an invisible shield some 7,200 miles above Earth that blocks “killer electrons,” which whip around the planet at near-light speed and have been known to threaten astronauts, fry satellites, and degrade space systems during intense solar storms. Read more…

(credit: Andy Kale/University of Alberta)

Does it surprise you that our Earth has such built-in defenses? A Star Trek-like force field that protects every living thing on the planet! Its amazing when you realize how wonderful this is, like a Mother protecting her baby from all the dangers of nature, keeping the infant alive and the baby having no idea whatsoever.

Space is an incredibly dangerous place for humans and most other species that evolved here. And while we have discovered DNA can survive a trip to space and back (without the protection of a space capsule — read more) not much else can. We really do depend on the protection of our Mother Earth more than we know.

I’m a big proponent of continued space research and I’m excited about the discoveries of “earth-like” planets in neighboring galaxies. These solar systems will be cool to visit someday. That said, we need to realize that we’re talking about 100 years or more before we would be sending the very first astronauts to these far galaxies and a century more before we could consider moving all of humanity there.

And that’s assuming these new planets offer the same or better protection as ours does. The likelihood that we’ll find another “Earth” is slim to none. Realizing that . . . you begin to understand why its so important for us to save this Earth.

We live in an incredible place. Truly an oasis in the jungle of space. Nature provides us with everything that we could ever need or use. But Mothers can only handle so much abuse before they grow weary and eventually lose their ability to protect. What things can we start doing to treat our Mother Earth with more respect?

