Hotel De Haan:

Steve Wilkes
An Eternal Traveler In Latin America
3 min readJul 18, 2018

Free Life-Changing Experiences On Jaco Beach

Imagine the opportunity to stay at Hotel De Haan, a cultural crossroads of people and fun, food, music, dance, and friendships.

Imagine immersing yourself in the magic of Pura Vida — the experience of transformation, so typical of the Costa Rican lifestyle, nowhere more pronounced than the Hotel De Haan, situated only fifty meters from the exquisite Jaco Beach.

…and as you sit there reading this article word for word, deepening your dream, yes deeper and deeper into the vision of joy you’re experiencing as you connect with your authentic self, you begin to realize quite how appealing Pura Vida actually is, quite how magical the experience, quite how primal your need for freedom as you nestle into the transient community of happiness, that is Hotel De Haan.

What Are The Secrets Of Internationalism?

The ever-changing community of Hotel De Haan

Just picture a point in time, a moment in your vision, where you cross into a reality so very different from any you’ve seen before.

Remember when we were children how easy it was to mingle, to connect and play with others.

Remember those senses of bliss that were completely natural to us as we glided through life from one scene of fun to another.

Remember that sense of curiosity and excitement we shared when we found others, new people, exciting people, who spoke in novel ways and shared stories, music, dance and magic from other worlds.

Hotel De Haan is another world, it’s the best of the people who live on our beautiful planet coming together for a short time to celebrate freedom, to celebrate what it really is to be human, to share the communion of life, the communion of Costa Rica’s Pura Vida.

Given the opportunity, what is it you’d tell your younger self?

Why, to understand the secrets of internationalism, to experience the magic of Hotel De Haan only fifty meters from the exquisite Jaco Beach.

So Do All Roads Lead To Hotel De Haan?

Leading the team

Everybody knows,

don’t they?

There are many roads to choose from and not all of them lead to pleasure and happiness.

Everybody knows,

Isn’t that right?

The journey to Pura Vida, our primal joyful birthright is only found on certain paths.

…yet not many people know how to find their way home, to find their way to the crossroads of fun, laughter, excitement and the companionship of humanity, that’s Hotel De Haan.

Is Your Life This Good?

Jaco Beach

Wouldn’t it be amazing to awake to the sounds of the ocean, enjoy a scrumptious breakfast and head to the beach of Jaco with your surfboard to ride the waves?

Children play in the ocean and families and individuals alike congregate on the warm, golden, yellow sand, to enjoy the breeze, sun, food, and friendship of a glorious new day.

Each side of the bay there are green and grey rugged cliffs reaching towards the horizon, and behind you are avenues of palm trees decorating your view.

Ice creams and horse rides, Spanish, English, and a myriad of languages whistle in the air and wash over you like the blue and white waves of the Pacific Coast Province of Puntarenas, exquisite Jaco Beach, just fifty meters from the Hotel De Haan resort of Joy.

Hotel De Haan.



Steve Wilkes
An Eternal Traveler In Latin America

Imagine seeing reality differently, spirituality/magic, travel, Spanish, fiction, nonfiction, and ideas, are my canvas. Owner @