Nosara And Lionsgate At PachaMama

Steve Wilkes
An Eternal Traveler In Latin America
3 min readSep 15, 2018
The Mask — My Photo

On the outskirts of Nosara in the hills of Ostional, lies the beautiful PachaMama, a spiritual ecological community of seekers and healers.

Can you envisage a better place to experience the powerful spiritual energies of Lionsgate, than a center dedicated to healing and growth in the crown chakra of sacred Nosara?

Encouraging the guests of Nosara, and those that are thinking of coming, to explore the magic of the area and all that’s on offer, is a profound approach to appreciating the qualities shared here by the town itself. Sacred centers don’t need to compete with their neighbors, they choose to embrace them, recognize their qualities and the value they offer to all the guests and residents of Nosara and beyond.

The Journey To PachaMama In The Magic of Lionsgate.

Still new to Nosara, I tried to find an alternative back road/path to tread with the idea of shortening my journey. Yet I was walking not only in the energy of Nosara, but it was 8/8 = infinity and balance and the transformational moon was in her Cancer home, inviting emotional freedom, so as I arrived at an ocean inlet accompanied by warning signs that crocodiles were present, I thought it prudent to turn tail and find another way.

What exactly is Lionsgate?

Imagine, if you will, a portal to the higher realms of consciousness, a gate on the paths that lead to the heavens.

Allow yourself to slip into that mild dream state and see in your mind’s eye our planet, our sun and our neighbor star ( access to magic) Sirius, align to bring a download of healing, revelation and accelerated spiritual growth.

Some say Sirius is the physical representation of the Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis, the Lady of Magic…experiencing these energies on the off-road pathways of Nosara on my way to PachaMama, certainly intensified the experience in ways that we can only imagine when outside of these sacred lands.

Consecutive rides from passing philanthropists meant my trip to PachaMama didn’t take more than forty-five minutes, the day was baking hot and I was grateful for the kindness.

In this place (PachaMama) of healing and self-discovery, I sipped on organic juices and feasted on vegan delights, relaxing and permitting the cosmic energies of this day to spread alchemy throughout my body.

I spent some hours with my friend Prempreet, talking to other residents, walking virgin nature paths on the surrounding land and connecting with the natural spirits of the area.

We sat and wrote together and simply and sublimely enjoyed the company that we shared, sometimes chatting and at other times scribbling in silence. It’s a profound friendship that honors both states and loves anyway.

Nosara Retreat

…and as I returned to Nosara Retreat, carrying the energies of the day and that night with me.

Like an old friend, I sat with this place, exchanging feelings, sharing the breath and tweaking each other’s magic on a shared path of spiritual realization.



Steve Wilkes
An Eternal Traveler In Latin America

Imagine seeing reality differently, spirituality/magic, travel, Spanish, fiction, nonfiction, and ideas, are my canvas. Owner @