Nosara’s Shadow

Steve Wilkes
An Eternal Traveler In Latin America
4 min readOct 26, 2018

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Nosara’s Shadow?

Question: I thought you’ve been writing about a powerful spiritual place, that draws. seekers to discover their paths and to heal, surely it’s place of light?

Response: Yes, let’s look at this on a number of levels. Nosara is an incredible place, in a previous blog I described it as the heart chakra of Costa Rica and I stand by that description one hundred percent.

But what do we mean by this? – How can Nosara have a shadow?

We usually understand the chakra system as spiritual energy portals in the human subtle bodies. Classical understanding identifies seven of them ranging from the spiritual Crown Chakra of the heavens. to the material Root Chakra, family, ancestry, past lives, the physical world and. parts of the body relating to the bowels, the legs and the feet.

At the center of this system is the Heart Chakra, a meeting place of spirit and earth characterized by the nature of love and compassion. For many this experience of love and compassion is so very powerful that it unlocks deep. hurt that’s been buried in their bodies for years.

When you start to see Gaia, our planet, as a living being, or countries as energetic living entities, it begins to become apparent that nature has chakras as well. And when you spend time, or live in those heart centers (Nosara,Avalon,Sedona etc) you notice that many wounded, very wounded people, are drawn there to heal and transform.

Is there really any surprise that yoga is so big here in Nosara? Yoga is about the union of opposites, the meeting in the body of the lower material energies. and the higher spiritual ones which metamorphosizes those lower energies through light, heat. and purification.

For some the transformation may be instant, healing can happen in the moment, yet for many others, particularly here in paradise, the transmogrification of our wounded inner children, with our. buried histories and the energies that come down from our bloodlines, may take many years as the wounding surfaces and plays out in the realities of the people here.

Nosara itself is of the land, of the spirit, of nature, it has many months of water and purification, rain and baptism and other months where the fire of the sun burns away the dross from. parts of the human experience. Nature itself is a balance of light and dark, creation and destruction, the union of opposites which. epitomises yoga. Those wounded, some may say negative, experiences, memories and traumas that surface as our shadows for integration and healing, are part of Nosara’s Shadow.

Nosara’s Shadow – types of people who come to heal

Yes, the light. seekers come to Nosara, unsurprisingly seeking enlightenment, many of whom have repressed their negativity because they’ve yet to see the importance it’ll play in their spiritual growth, they yearn earnestly for deliverance and for a time it may seem that way, yet Nosara will bring out their shadows, their Nosara Shadows.

and then will come the fragile, the deeply wounded, searching for holism and peace within themselves. They come primarily to feel better, to feel stronger, to feel like they have a right to be who they really are, to experience self love, sometimes for the first time.

Often they have emotionally, or sexually, or mentally abused histories, where they’ve been subjugated to the whims of the final group I’m going to discuss next. These profoundly wounded people are often unprepared for the power of Nosara, for Nosara’s Shadow, they seek freedom from their suffering but the energy of Nosara knows this freedom. will only manifest through personal and spiritual empowerment, and that they must face their inner demons to be made whole again.

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…and finally there are those with damaged personalities, who are drawn to Nosara to find a way to locate that place of authentic self love that always seems to. elude them. These dysfunctional and damaged people will have spent since childhood trying to be accepted, heard, loved appropriately and understood. Subconsciously they know that Nosara can heal them, can help them love themselves, maybe for the first time.

You may argue that Narcissists have too much self love, but no, look deeper, prod and probe that delicate persona and they’ll crumble into self loathing and desperation or conversely they will look to dominate or control you, lie to you, manipulate you while at the same time deluding themselves even further.

They may come as spiritual seekers, visitors, workshop participants or patients, but equally they may be teachers, therapists, managers or healers, so desperately needing external validation that’ll excuse their abusive behaviors towards others by developing self defensive ideas about being more intelligent, more important, more worthy than those around them, leaving a trail of further wounding and hurt, damage and emotional repression. Yet Nosara’s Shadow will bring those issues to the fore of their realties too, for transformation, transfiguration and balance.

So when you attend your healing ceremonies, your massages, your Reiki, when you partake of the purging of ayahuasca, or ingest sacred iboga. remember Nosara’s Shadow is the Great Spirit touching your life directly and transforming it forever. in the way that it may (will) shake your world, changing repeating destructive patterns which can evoke feelings of discomfort so you can become the butterfly at last after a lifetime as a chrysalis.

For the energy of Nosara doesn’t discriminate, it draws the beautiful and the damaged, the path beaters and the followers into the divine logic of fundamental transformative healing and magic in a way that only the shadow can.

Stephen Wilkes

Nosara’s Shadow



Steve Wilkes
An Eternal Traveler In Latin America

Imagine seeing reality differently, spirituality/magic, travel, Spanish, fiction, nonfiction, and ideas, are my canvas. Owner @